Inconsiderate Asshole

Aug 28, 2008 21:45

Yes, everyone wants to attend the first weeks of classes at school. You don't want to miss. But, if you are sick DO NOT GO!!! You will just get other people sick which will make them miss classes.

Someone in one of my Tuesday classes was this inconsiderate asshole. I started getting a scratchy throat at work on Tuesday night, and chills when I got home. I had a fever Wednesday morning, went to the doctor and found out I had strep throat. I went to my afternoon class, since I knew we were having an "evaluation pretest" and sat far away from anyone else in the room. I left soon after the test, I was freezing in the room where girls were wearing tank tops.

I woke up every hour and a half last night, freezing under 2 blankets and a comforter. I missed both of my classes and work today, we'll see how I'm feeling in the morning for my classes.

sick, home

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