Jul 14, 2009 15:10
Wow...I'd almost completely forgotten about this whole blogging business.
So, if you've been wondering where I've been and what I've been doing, you should probably find more productive uses for your time.
But here's the crux of it - the abridged version, so to speak: For a couple of years all was well. I lived in a little village near Nottingham, in a 200 year old cottage that tried to fall over every time there was a slight breeze. It was just next door to a pub and was (to use the parlance of our times) made of fuckwin. For a while there was a girl with large breasts and probably some other positive qualities too. Either way, she eventually did that thing women do where they suddenly stop being awesome and become vengeful harpies instead. I worked for an odious BWM driver doing web development stuff. Life trundled along, I was happy.
One night, a few months ago, some people tried to break into my little house. I shall refrain from giving an exact description of the events which followed, suffice to say that they didn't get more than two feet past the front door and that when the police finally decided to make an appearance an hour or so later, it was in fact myself who got arrested and taken away. Around lunchtime the following day, I found myself once again enjoying the hospitality of Her Majesty, this time in sunny HMP Nottingham. I was there on remand for six weeks before I got to court, whereupon I explained myself adequately to the judge who obligingly decreed that there was no case for me to answer and that I should be let go forthwith. Sadly though, I returned home to find my house and job no longer at my disposal and had a bit of a panicky fit.
Thus I find myself living back in the old town, with good friends who lacked the sense to bolt their doors up hearing I needed a place to crash. I'm working on finding a job, but they're elusive little buggers. With a little luck, and at the discretion of Her What Done It, I shall hopefully find one soon and shortly thereafter have my own place again. I'm going to be 30 in 3 months, and I'm pretty sure you're supposed to have all that kind of shit taken care of by the time you reach that particular milestone.
So there it is, if you're interested.
Enough about me though. How is everyone? It’s been too long.