0148: "You take away my Fridays and now my Saturdays too..."

Nov 19, 2006 14:34

[Note: Sorry for the mixed-up convoluted post. I hope I can make a more coherent one next time.]

I can't escape you, even though I try sitting far away and teachers innovate different ways of separating us...

It's just plain old alphabetical destiny.


[edited thanks to Josef-san]

Happy Birthday Louie-san :)


Excerpt from Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' wedding vows:
Minister: "Now, Tom, girls need clothes, and food and tender happiness and frills. A pan, a comb, perhaps a cat. All caprice, if you will. But still they need them. Do you then provide? Do you?"
Tom: "I do."

Lol. A pan, a comb, and a cat. Donk.


My Bio 22 Lecture teacher was my sister's thesis adviser last year.

Talk about coincidence.

Of course, since my sister was in a different course, I doubt he'd realize the family relationship.

Not to mention he seems rather...

Wait. Stop that thought. This is a public post. :)


Ookido Shigeru,

I waited four long anime seasons for you.

I'm glad you're back. :) Course we all know Satoshi's going to get more airtime since he's the Chosen One but still.


My hair is now more than two feet long. More than two rulers placed side by side.

It's really heavy when it's wet. >_<

Thank you Joan-san for putting up with my hair since I can't tie it to save my life :)


I'm glad you had fun, Josef-san :)


I'm writing fanfiction again. >_< I can't believe it.

I swear I wanted a one-shot but it's spawned into a multi-chapter thing.



With the given statements "Man does not have instincts," "There is no such thing as a maternal instinct nor the instinct to preserve one's self (self-preservation)," and the tantalizing unexplained statement "Man created God..."

This is going to be one battle-filled SocSci 1 class.

And we have to watch Pocahontas and Pocahontas 2 for next week. Hmmm.


My Math 100 teacher is a practicing neurosurgeon.

His premed was Math.

OMGWTFBBQ, indeed. :)


This is easily becoming a very expensive semester. >_<


You take away my Fridays and now my Saturdays too...

At least I claim part of my Wednesdays back.

Somehow I don't think it's a fair trade.

Because Wednesday is Wednesday and Saturdays are Saturdays, OMGWTFBBQ!!!

Ok, shutting up now.

hollywood musings, writing, nitpicking, long bunch of things on head, my name issues, piggybank woes, greetings, anime, amusing little things

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