0009: Rediscovering My Sadistic Beginnings...

Aug 17, 2005 22:47

Yesterday I killed 54 ants that were crawling all over my desk and distracting me from my Math homework. With rubbing alcohol. By drowning them in the liquid. And I watched them struggle for their lives, all 54 of them, and I couldn't keep myself from feeling happy.

Ah well. At least I didn't have a spray gun like I did as a child, hitting ants as they climbed up walls.


There are disturbing unknown insects in the dorm room. They must die in this fumigation. Thank you. One looks like a cross between a cockroach and a fly. It is hard to kill with anything other than a slipper.


Pinoy board game = done. Even though our materials got lost somewhere on the campus, and there was that Reader's Theater thing, it's done and in Ma'am's cubicle. Thank god. Alvin-san almost gave me a heart attack when he said that Ma'am didn't have our game yet but actually it was the Tuwaang game she didn't have yet.

I'm glad we actually thought of a game for that epic with the pointless battles. And it's a cool game since it's got elements inspired by Diablo, D & D, etc.

I miss D & D.


No CAT = good.


And for everyone who asked me about the last entry:
I feel much better now, thanks. Though it's not as bad as what you think. Really, I think the last entry was a tad ambiguous. Thanks, guys. And no, it did not involve physical rape.

the times before, camera on self

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