Have You Even Seen Me Dance!?

Oct 17, 2008 16:56

Facebook... I could end it there, but I won't.

Every now and then I get a message in my inbox with the subject line "Andrew, your strengths and weaknesses, as voted by your friends" to which initially my reaction was Meh! However I can no longer ignore it...


best dancer <----- What the!?
merriest : I've definitely been known to be jovial from time to time.
most helpful : I like to think this is true.


person with the best hair : Nah it's not great and there are worse weaknesses.
most attractive : Like this!! Harsh! :(


If it was a one off I could shrug it off but it's every freaking time. The others kind of fit in with my own vague self image even if the attractive thing stings a bit I'll admit I'm no Adonis. But regardless of what else is there, every week, Best dancer tops the list.

Are all my friends really shit dancers?
Have you confused me with my sister?
Do I have an alternate personality secretly moonlighting on Broadway?
Or is there just no better option?

Seriously... Doubleyou Tea Eff!

Just so you know... No I'm not that great a dancer!

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