Jun 04, 2005 02:43
so i got to mohawk at about 9:40pm and there were some old people standing around outside drinking blahblah. so i was like whatev and i walked in and this oldish guy was like "do you have id?" and i was like "no, i'm just here for the lucero show" and he was like "well you need id" and i was like "i didn't bring any, but i swear i'm 18" and he was like "well how am i supposed to know that?" and i was like "really, i promise i'm 18" so he kind of hesitated and looked at the guy taking money and finally he was like "fine just go. go straight to the back room and don't go near the bar". so then i went to the guy sitting there taking money and he was like "what's the problem, you don't have id?" and i was like "yeah, all the times i've been here they've never asked for id so i figured i didn't need it" so he was like "yeah it's fine, whatever". so then i just sort of wandered around and stuff
some random band was first. they were old people. i didn't even realize i was supposed to be paying attention to them until after they started. they made all the old people who were drinking dance. i liked watching them dance.
went to look at the tht merch. jarrod was at the table setting stuff up. i think he was tired and slightly drunk and slightly hungover. hahaha awesome
i went to my spot for cory branan. it was just him and his acoustic guitar. he was nuts. he is jarrod's heroin buddy. neat. i love him. after his set was over we talked to him a little and he shook our hands lmao. he was enthusiastic.
the honorary title is magical. i don't even know what to say about them. there was some weird rap music going on during their set? hahaha dies. good times. i got a setlist woo
so during tht's last two songs or so, my mom decided to call me like six times. no joke. she only left one voicemail, though, so i guess that was good? but so afterwards i called my mom back and i was expecting her to be like "yeah i'm waiting outside" but she was like "yeah i'm just calling to tell you i'm leaving grand island now. i'll be there in 20 minutes". dies
and cory branan sold out of cds. lame. so lynne and i went to talk to him. he is very nice and very enthusiastic.
my mom came at 1:15am and lucero hadn't even started yet. not a big deal because i didn't have a need [or desire, really] to see them. i bet they will play until 3am dies