(no subject)

Oct 06, 2008 11:50


Aeris - hey hey hey I feel pretty good with her. In some ways I get tired of playing her, but then I do something FUN and I like it. I try to get her out more than the others because she is more social, but sometimes I just don't feel like playing her :x I don't think she's in danger of being dropped (like, ever) but I'm having a bit of a :? time feeling her atm. IDK, I think stress makes me want to play my psychopaths more.

Dietrich - o lordy. I am never letting go of him again. IDK I am having a lot of fun. Sometimes I worry that I'm not doing him as much justice as I did before or something else or I'm too nasty or I'm asking too much OOC cooperation or like the 800000000 other issues I used to have with him too --- but he's so much fun. He is my CFUD soul animal ):

Mukuro - lol he's in a funny place. I am feeling SO detached from Reborn in general. So much so that I've also sort hit the LOL FUCK CANON \o/ point, which is kind of bad because as soon as I just run with WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANNA DOOOOOOO Amano will do something like KICK ME IN THE BALLS and I'll feel embarrassed or something IDK. He is my 'worry about most' child sometimes because I know the fandom is large and sprawling and everyone has pretty different takes on the characters etc blah blah. Whatever. HNNGGGHJDEVABMN is all I have to say. pee ess blah blah homo exercise blah blah blah canon what blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Tokio - ): is my favorite. I wish more people loved his canon because I love him so so so so so so so much. If dropping ever comes down to it I might drop him because as far as 'causing waves' in camp with a drop he's bound to not cause very many. But he's like. I love him ): AJ loev dumb boys ):

Yoi-te - bawww trouble child. Canon sort of... I mean, I knew it. Was expecting it. But I'm having a difficult time with him. I don't want to drop him BECAUSE I LOVE HIM A LOT 8( and some things like the threads in Ichijou-san's post which I never picked up because I SUCK made me glee and grin and I loved them. But Nabari is Very Up right now and I wonder if I shouldn't drop him so someone else can play him more and a lot.

Yuuto - I love him ): A lot. I worry because he is. . . well. Very tsun. Very very very tsun. I GUESS IT MEANS I'M DOING IT RIGHT!? But sometimes he gives me a hard time, he's a lot different from most of the boys I've ever played so /o\;; and out cast is just so SPOT ON that I'm pretty much askjbdke o god everyone is amazing bawww I suck. Which is dumb, I know. Also I have a terrible boycrush on Yuichi Nakamura :'(

Apping HA HA HA gets its own section because I ALWAYS APP. This semester even I'll pump out some apps. They'll probably suck. But as I found out with Dietrich's app last time I was very much like "... please beta me, but idk if I have the attention span to care if I do well I just want a 70." Which... oops? I have a neverending list of people I want to app, and we just get more amazing canons and I WANT TO APP THEM ;o; but I would loathe to be "o man aj just sits on characters WHAT A WHORE" or. something. Also the skip-a-month always throws me for a huge doozy when it comes to WANT TO APPPPP and I know I've promised like 8923748932 people apps but I keep getting distracted and there aren't enough months in the year to app properly for all of you akjsbds /_\

THE STATE OF THE AJ!1 - um. SO school has pretty much kicked me face into the gutter. I keep dropping threads because of this and in general my aj to real life interactions have gotten very. Um. Special. Thanks to school kicking me in the face. I keep feeling like a CHANGE!1 would be good and have been tempted to reset my five characters, six, whatever, by dropping them all and then reapping the ones I really really wanted. But this is a bad idea and mainly I just feel trapped by a major I don't want with a giantass senior project eating my brain. AUUGH AUUGH AUUGH is how I feel. I like the RP tho because it helps me relax when . . . basically my brain feels too overloaded to do anything productive academically :Db

As far as I look at my lineup . . . I'm a bit MEH on it because I have Aeris, two psychopaths and then 3 boys who suck at talking. It's not a very OMG THREAD WITH MEEE AAAAJJJJJJ sort of lineup. Which I'm chill with. But I always worry that my characters' personalities are a major drawback in this game XD;

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