Nov 26, 2011 21:53
My attempt to give this blog an aesthetic overhaul is pathetic to say the least. This is one of the nicest skins i could find, although the image at the top is still very irrelevant and lame and the background design looks like it belongs to the pyjamas i wore when i was 7. All livejournal skins are so ugly! There is utterly no reason why everything on the page should be forced to fit into boxes. Also, the font is very ugly. I think this particular skin does not allow me to change the font settings. It's very saddening.
Anyway, i shall be flying off to australia in a few days' time! So tell me soon if you would like presents. Unfortunately, however, it's a tour package. I don't like tour packages.
One of my greatest desires is to be able to enjoy nature, quite undisturbed. I've always wanted to trek alone in a lovely wood or scale cliffs or frolick beside the river along with my many animal friends. I imagine myself gazing down a small cliff to a land cloaked in pretty trees whose leaves pirouette about in the autumn wind. The whole land will be in a brilliant amber-topaz hue. There is a tiny stream at the foot of the cliff. Its waters are so clear that you can see the pebbles resting on the streambed. The area around the stream is speckled with old grey rocks of various sizes. Occassionally a deer or two will approach the stream for a drink. And as they lower their earnest faces towards the water, i notice how defenseless they look. And yet it is precisely this which makes the deer - and the whole scene - so beautiful. As night falls i lay on my back. Stars of every size, each one alive, emanate light which pierces through the hollow of the night sky.
Blah okay so that was an attempt at descriptive writing. I haven't written in such a manner in a pretty long time. GP is all to blame for this. But anyway, the point is that i feel the gladdest of all when i am close to nature. I can't even begin to describe how it feels.. it's this sense of euphoria, this immense joy. And many of the time i start, well. Praying. Praising. It sounds strange, and really anti-climatic, but it isn't. I think about all the beauty, the complexities, the precise design, the majesty of the universe and everything in it and the near-impossiblity of all of these ever coming into existence, and i feel awe-struck, and infinitely small. I don't know how to put it across, but i guess it's best described by the psalmist when he said:
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard."