[fic] bloomed & withered (2)

Oct 16, 2017 05:20

菊 : kiku

In autumn, the foliage is vivid - lush with burnt red and mustard orange withered leaves. The few parakeet ones are just barely clinging onto their youths, the olives on their skin catching up to the stems. Somehow, through every natural transition, epic or numbing, mortals have always found a way to have fun all year-round by planning huge events.

For perpetual beings like themselves, there was no reason why celebration should hold any priority to them. They lived to kill, and if at all, they only had the right to celebrate their victories. Last year, the only worthy memorable day was when they have once more successfully infiltrated Korea. Although their venture overseas failed miserably, and expensively, Tenka thought that going overseas for battle once more was victory enough for him. Tenka has always noticed the alarming decline of Hideyoshi's health, although Mikazuki's arrival did blind him temporarily. As the leaves change color once more, he's worried that he might never be wielded again.

He pulls on the tie around his sleeves and glares at the sudden rush of light into dojo. He's purposely left all the doors closed, bolted tight so no mere mortal servant could interfere with his preferred stuffy environment. The suffocating humidity, the dimmed brightness, the feeling of loneliness - it was all what he wanted, and all he got from Hideyoshi. He glares at the light, unable to make the figure at first but turns away when he notices smooth pearl locks. He drops his stance, his hand blistered from long hours spent in the dojo. "What is it, Honebami?"

"Brother," Honebami calls, untelling, from the threshold, sunlight backing him with his commanding tone. "Mikazuki-sama is looking forward for your acquaintance during his midday meal."

Tenka scoffs, grip around his wooden sword loosening slowly. The cold is sharp, unsurprisingly, in the morning but also because it's autumn. Mikazuki has always said that the breeze is chilly at this time of the year because loneliness hangs in the air, affecting even the most loving of couples.

"If this is one of your foolish tricks, I will be forced to assign you and Namazuo longer reflection hours." Tenka says dryly, signalling to Honebami to close the distance between them. He happens to catch sight of the younger boy's eyes and they are piercing yet gaping, like a dull violet quartz. Ripping his eyes away and covering it up with an authoritative choke, he was afraid that if he stared long enough, his soul might get pulled into that dark abyss.

"He knew you would say that." A hand shuffles under Honebami's outer kimono and pulls out a smoothed piece of parchment.

On the parchment is carefully practiced calligraphy that Tenka has come to memorize and a drawing of a moon at the bottom was telling enough to be from Mikazuki. As if to further prove it's authenticity, it was even signed off with a Toyotomi seal, only used by highly regarded underlings that serve as representatives in Hideyoshi's stead.

Tenka Hitofuri, you are formally invited to have midday meal with me in the East Wing guest room. Your appearance would be very much be appreciated. Mikazuki Munechika.

Tenka grins and puts his wooden sword down. Honebami is staring back at him, highly skeptical and critical as he usually is, and presses for an answer "Your reply, brother?"

"Naturally, my wife will be waiting for me."

He slips past Honebami, his mood seems more uplifted than he was before he had locked himself in the dojo. Tenka undoes the knot and undresses of the right sleeve, beads of sweat still rolling down his shoulder and glistening in the soft morning stream of light. Namazuo appears from the corner, surprised, and pauses to apologize but Tenka walks right past him.

"Your wife, huh?" The boy questions in a bored tone, yet his eyes glinting with interest. Namazuo turns to look at his brother, his confused expression melting into excitement. "I met him first though." They leave in the opposite direction, Namazuo in a lively conversation about today's breakfast and Honebami just reply in small acknowledging curls of the lips. He glances back once more at the corner where Tenka had disappeared before he denies his involvement in Hideyori's small childish prank this morning.

Tenka has always liked Osaka Castle in the autumn. As much as the cold of winter allowed him much rest as possible indoors, it was autumn that allured him with it's exquisite and peculiar beauty. There was something about the nostalgia of falling leaves and encroaching loneliness that has always made him keen enough to watch it all drift away with the breeze. On days like this, he liked to curl up in his room, open up the screen doors and watch a collage of red, yellow and orange float around with a cup of tea as he lies sideways on his futon or curls up snug in a kotatsu. Although he sometimes feels the night festivals overwhelm the mood, it's exactly those that makes him even more melancholy than usual - a simple yet loud reminder that they're swords. They had no right in having fun, that would only violate their purpose in life. To serve in battles and make blood flow, that is.

Though, he has to admit that the drumming of Taiko drums were exciting as always.

Today, the sun peeps out of the clouds harsher than usual days. As if it were punishing Tenka with it's heat, the male takes it upon himself to crawl back into the shade as he continues watching the trees. This year, yet again, they are impressive. Watching the leaves flutter slowly, it's like how time seems to be suspended temporarily and how he wished at this moment that he could just be Hideyoshi's sword just a little longer.

He hears a noise getting louder and louder, and turns to find Mikazuki coming towards him in his casual yukata, embezzled with a golden Toyotomi crest. He's dressed in navy blue, a perfect match for his gorgeous evening-like eyes and midnight hair. There isn't much pattern or embroidery from below his torso but the trimmings all around are decorated carefully with golden hems, a clever tribute to his eye-catching hilt. But of course, nothing on Mikazuki looked better than his sickle-shaped eyes. The pupils of his eyes are crusted with honey crescents in a sea of dark blue, lulling an invitation for Tenka to take a deeper look in his eyes. His eyes twinkle when they are bright, even more so in laughter, and at night, when the room is dim and the only light comes filtered through the screens, they tell of deep pleasures.

Tenka has to blink once, then again because the way Mikazuki stares seems to drag him into his serene peaceful being.

"Good afternoon, Tenka." He greets, regal as always, even in plain clothing. "I've already asked Nikkari to prepare our meal."

Tenka gets up, grinning. "Of course, I'm honored to have you invite me to such a simple matter."

Mikazuki is one of the few swords in the castle that has mastered grace and elegance, a beneficial behavior in charming and entertaining guests. When heads from other branches would visit, it was always Tenka doing the welcoming and Mikazuki doing the hospitality. Of course it could be because that he was passed from one shogun to another, so he's probably had his bout with tactful elegance before, however when he does it with Tenka, he finds it oddly fascinating. Tantalizing even, on some occasions. Hideyoshi recognizes potential when he sees it, and it was probably the right choice for him to take in the sword in the first place.

As he folds his legs beneath his torso, Mikazuki immediately straightens his back and locks his eyes with Tenka's. Despite such a serious body language, once he flashes his smile, it makes anyone in the room feel at ease. Mikazuki is never anything except cheerful and aloof, so the only expression he offers are smiles. It's not a bad thing once you start seeing prolonged grins turning into hearty laughter. Perhaps, maybe even, if Mikazuki smiled once, it could even ease a crying child's pain - but that was what Tenka thinks. He gets interrupted when Mikazuki starts once more.

"This meal is not a simple matter, it's our first meal since fourteen moons." Mikazuki smiles. "Come, let's dine shall we?"

Tenka graciously accepts, hungry from the lack of breakfast anyways. He seats himself across Mikazuki in the kotatsu that was prepared with their thirteen course meal and watches him eat before himself. The autumn breeze is cold against his fingers, but when Mikazuki offers a pair of chopsticks, his hands are even more colder. He doesn't think much about it when Mikazuki comments about how amazing the cold tofu is.

Servants fly in and out of the main chambers like migrating birds, even Lady Nene herself was bringing in tea and liquid formulas in a futile attempt to reverse her husband's health but with each passing day, nothing seemed to ease the old man's pain. As his prized sword, Tenka has always felt a sense of duty to stay beside him at all times but the blade inside is nothing but an empty husk. He's too afraid to even be near that man. He's afraid that the victories won will be a curse of the past, because he knows for himself that no other wielder can satisfy his bloodlust like Hideyoshi could. Even with the arranged plans of leaving all of the shogun's possessions to Hideyori, it was not enough for him to know that he would be enabled that feeling of flight ever again. There was also the possibility that Hideyori would gift him away, like Nikkari was a few moons ago.

Namazuo and Honebami are highly aware of his clear agitation, preferring to be left alone in the dojo. They are his brothers after all, a Toushirou is always perceptive of one another's feelings. Today, taiko drums are hounding towards the East as the village celebrates with a day festival. Seems like the most hazardous festival but Tenka simply does not care. He's never been to a festival and with Hideyoshi's impending fate, he probably will never be to one. He sneers at the thought and slashes down his imaginary enemy, feeling the gust of wind against his face like the rush of spilled blood bathing him in glory. The cheers from beneath the castle grounds remind him vaguely of the joyous cries when Hideyoshi conquers and for some reason, he can feel the splendor of victory as the sun shines brightly down on him. He opens his eyes, expecting to see Hideyoshi's passionate blood-stained face but sees his own wooden sword instead.

A bird sings, almost mockingly, in the distance.

He taps the floor with the tip of his sword before raising his sword, in a perfect stance as Hideyoshi always is, and charges forward, thrusting his sword at the darkness collected at one side of the room. He doesn't mind the presence of another sword watching him from the threshold. It's probably one of his brothers in careful observation, but when he swings his sword to the side as he defends from a pincer attack, he notices the overshadowing figure. He doesn't even need to look carefully at the regal clothing to recognize that it's Mikazuki.

Throwing himself too much to the side, he lands on his back and follows through with a roll, ending in a kneel before the East door.

"Is it already time for lunch? I'm sorry, I promised to mak--"

"No," He interjects. The sun is filtering from behind him so it's difficult for Tenka to see what kind of face he's making. "That's okay, I actually made it already."

"I see." Tenka simply replies, getting up and wiping the sweat off his forehead. "I'll be with you shortly."

Mikazuki is silent, but Tenka can see his silhouette shaking. It's shaking hard, almost hesitant to even be here. Tenka lowers his sword, he knows what's he going to say already.

Goodbye Master.

Hideyori is young, immature and still clumsy. How such a boy would grow to become a successor under the advise of outsiders was beyond Tenka but he's glad he was able to sense impressive compatibility with the boy. If he hones his skills as valiantly as his father did, he definitely wouldn't mind being wielded once again. For now, though, he understands it will take quite a while for Hideyori to grow into his father's armor. Lady Nene polishes him often, talking to herself about how their only memento of her former husband deserves the finest treatment. He's relieved when she said that it would be a waste to hang him up for memory sake, opting to have Hideyori's loyal servants don the sword instead. In some ironic way, Tenka would be like his father's eternal protection over the boy - a final signature of love. Never once though, has Tenka ever seen the father cherish his child. So perhaps, a more fitting statement would be: first and final show of affection.

Mikazuki jokes about it whenever Tenka is curled up in his futon early, reminding the male that they're no longer partners but Tenka only returns it with a grunt. As Mikazuki moves in to snake his arms from the back, he nuzzles his nose into Tenka's scarred back. He doesn't take another jab at him again like Tenka has expected, but instead, he softens his voice and loosens his hold on Tenka's waist. "Does that mean we're no longer married? We were only bound to each other by our Master's relationship, would that make me a widow too? But you're still here, you're alive so I don't know anymore."

The taller male turns over his side, puzzled as he reaches a hand to stroke Mikazuki's cheek. He doesn't know what is the right thing to say, nor if he should even say anything at all.

"That is true. We only became partners through our Masters, but," He pauses, smoothing Mikazuki's eyebags with his thumb. "I still want to be your equal."

He feels ice-cold fingers touch the back of his palm, then trace his knuckles as Mikazuki's startled expression melts into a chuckle. "You're still waiting for my reply?"

Tenka is unsure of what to say, so he chooses to respond by touch. After spending nights of sharing a futon and learning each other's body to meld into over the night, they were no stranger to intimate touches. Even if a hand were to fly down to their groins, they'd still wouldn't mind. Mikazuki's fingers curl into the palm in his cheek, feeling Tenka's gentle caress for a few seconds before his eyes flutter open to stare at him directly.

"I've always been fascinated by your eyes. They're golden, then honey, then sandy." Tenka can suddenly feel the hot breath on his chin as Mikazuki whispers, eyes hooded as they stare deeply into his. "But you, as a person, I'm attracted even more."

"I've never heard."

Mikazuki releases of his hand and slips it over his neck, now playing with his hair tails. "It's true. After spending much time here with you and Lady Nene, I always find myself thinking that I really would not mind spending an eternal partnership with you. Even if we were to serve different clans."

Tenka's thumb drops down to his lips and Mikazuki smiles gently, as he always does.

"Kiss me, Tenka. I'm finally ready to accept that proposal of yours from moons ago." But it is Mikazuki who is the one that closes the gap between them, Tenka too shaken to believe it's not a dream.

"Mikazuki, I love you."

He boldly confesses during a festival that Mikazuki had insisted on going. They're in the middle of the crowd stream, people pushing past them for cotton candy or yakisoba, but nobody seems to mind. Perhaps it's common for mortals to declare indefinite behavior in festivals but Tenka is embarrassed because they're both donning paulownia crests and it would be bad if mortals started to spread gossip that the elites were not acting properly.

Mikazuki is confused but quick to glaze the awkwardness with his kind smile. "What do you mean you love me?"

Okay, maybe he's not exactly the type to sense and diffuse a situation quickly. Tenka berates himself, when was Mikazuki ever? He laughs in disbelief, "What? You're asking me what is love?"

"Exactly. We are not humans, so I do not understand what is the feeling of love." Mikazuki points out as he walks in tandem with Tenka, "It is the only thing I do not understand at all, but then again, we were not born to know so perhaps a concept like love is something beyond our understanding."

Faces pass by them, blank but when Tenka looks at Mikazuki, there is a faint glimpse of wistfulness on his face. As much as Tenka is compelled to explain (and further emphasize on his abrupt confession earlier), they are still in the middle of the long rows of booths so he opts to visit a food stall, just temporarily for them to retire to as he gathers his thoughts. After two orders of dango, he finally knows what to say and pulls Mikazuki closer.

"But my love is simple. I just want to be your equal in an everlasting unity." He whispers, hot breathe tickling the other.

Tenka is used to the cracks on their ceiling, but when he turns to Mikazuki's serene face, it's his first time seeing worry lines up close.

An ember leaf wafts into their room, just inches away from the edge of their futon. Honebami spots it and hurries to catch it but when he steps behind the screen doors, Tenka is hunched over Mikazuki, pressing soft lips against each other. He notices Mikazuki's arms coming up on Tenka's shoulders and retreats as silently as possible.

He snorts, staring pointedly at the fallen leaves as if to blame them for witnessing their morning scene. But resigns to a disgusted frown, folding his arms as he walks away to find Namazuo.

"So you choose him over me, Mikazuki?" He sneers at the small memory of the moon sword chuckling bemusedly, patting his head and explaining gently. But when he makes his turn into the inner corridors, Namazuo nowhere in sight even when he approaches their shared room, his frown loosens into a sad smile. "As long as we're together under one roof, I suppose. I could settle for that."


pairing: ichigo/mikazuki

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