i feel great!

Jul 30, 2014 12:52

1. That last thing I posted about? Welp, I put on my big girl panties and went in to work for those three days. It was a nice, solitary three days, which I LOVED because it allowed me to catch up on my podcasts, especially WTNV.

2. I have really gotten into the anime Fairy Tail. One Piece is still my jam, but FT is so good.

3. My main conlang, Basmai, has hanzi/kanji-like characters called "ajïs" in its history (some are still used today, but mostly for decoration and academic writing). After fretting over making OVER TWO HUNDRED OF THESE THINGS for months, I did the smart thing the other day and made some "radical" (shapes that reoccur often and can be mixed and matched to make new characters) files in photoshop. So now I only have to manipulate these files to make characters in a fraction of the time I though it would be. I've made twenty since yesterday. This is one of my favorite ones:

It stands for "cälyn" (queen). It's made from "royal" (also, "holy"), "digit", "wings" and "divot".
For your info, 女王 "jo'ou" and 王妃 "ouhi" (words queen in Japanese) or 女王 "nǚwáng" (Chinese word for queen) don't look anything like it except for the "wings" radical in the ajïs looks like "king" in kanji (the three lines). I didn't even think of it, but there you are.

There is nothing in the ajïs the denotes that queens are female or that kings are male (yeah, I made one for "king" as well). In Chinese and Japanese, 女王 and 王妃 both have "female" in the word in some capacity (女). Queen and King were traditionally sex-segregated titles, but males can be queen and females can be king. It really depends on who is a warrior (the queen) and who is a pacifist (the king). That is not to say that queens are always on the war path (many queens in Basyan history were peaceful) and kings are always cowardly fops (some were bold and even relied on violence to get things done for their queen). That is, however, a stereotype in the media.

*giggle* I love making Basyan culture notes. It's so much fun. I'll probably crosspost that to Tumblr in a bit. But for now, lunch!

conlanging, basmai, work, anime, conworlding, language

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