guys guys

Apr 28, 2012 10:57

I'm here. I check LJ pretty regularly. I just never have anything to say for myself. so I guess I have to sum up the last two months:

1. I have lost 32lbs. FUCK YEAH, ALL BY MYSELF, BOY-EE. I didn't join any programs or anything. Just hard work. (And yes, I'm eating. I never skip meals, make myself vom, over-exercise, or anything dangerous like that. It is what it is.)

2. I'M CONLANGING AGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIN. I cleaned up Norseni's grammar and dictionary and now I'm editing my old Queer Flowers wiki. Wonderful for word generation. I'm even getting some Uindi in there. I can't tell you how happy I am.

I craft each word "by hand" so it's a slow process, even if I'm using foreign language dictionaries and Awkwords for inspiration. But it's incredibly satisfying.

3. I have resigned myself to failure to keep up with the April Drawing challenge. AGAIN. I just...I DRAW, but, I can't do it on a schedule these days. I'm concentrating on my health and conlanging quite a bit, I can't.

4. Driving still isn't happening. But I will!

5. The MLP:FiM season finale was AMAZING. Just not a huge fan of the fandom anymore. It still produces a lot of great stuff, but it also produces a lot of assholes.

6. The Legend of Korra is MAGNIFICENT. Just not a huuuuuuuge fan of the fandom. Please to be shutting up about Makorra and spoilers. Thank you.

7. At work, I've realized that I have a terrible aesthetic 'crush' on one of my fellow teachers. No, I have no desire for him to be my special somepony or even to be his friend (I think he's hilarious, but from a different world), but to just be another person to say that he's handsome and run for the hills.

And that's my update for now! Toodles!

art, work, just life, cartoons

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