spring break; theory about aliens

Apr 13, 2011 23:18

Re: Spring Break: It's coming up next week. And when I REALLY should do is take the time to catch up on april_drawing but...I don't know if that's going to happen like one would hope. I have SO much cleaning to do, and I ordered myself a bunch of grammar and vocabulary cheat sheets (From, like, Mandarin and Arabic), so I may be mesmerized by those and conlanging. Who knows!

Re: Theory on aliens: rather, what I think about designing humanoid creatures, which I've doing a lot lately.

1. Please think if they're mammals or not. Because if you put boobs on a bird or a reptilian humanoid, it irks me a little. The only reason I haven't finally imploded about Gargoyles is for nostalgic reasons, I guess. (And I find enough things to bitch about. Like Elisa's hair. Bitch bitch bitch, it's all I do about it.)

2. Why is it that aliens have to be more 'man-like' and not more 'woman-like'? Probably because most sci-fi is a boys' club, but still. What is it about the male frame that says it's the default? They're not us, even if they look like us for the most part. Why must dimensions even be the same?

3. This is a throwback to the second point: WHY ARE FEMALES OF THE SPECIES ALWAYS SMALLER? Not all animals work that way. Think about, try to have some variety? Please?

Aaaaaaaaand that was an awful rant. I'ma listen to Nice Peter's rap battle between Einstein and Hawking. I love that song so much.

(Which is [here], by the way. Hawking totally won.)

art, work, worldbuilding

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