ten day meme: day ten

Jan 04, 2011 21:47

OMG! I almost forgot to post this today! I would have been SO PISSED.

Day Ten: One confession.

My heart is thumping wildly as I type this:

I don't think that Twilight's Edward Cullen is that bad.

BEFORE ANYONE JUMPS ON ME...I only mean that about one aspect of him: (initially) being attracted to Bella's blood and calling her "his heroine". Well...he's a vampire. That's kind of what it's SUPPOSED to be like. Sure, I wouldn't want a real boyfriend that just wanted my blood, but...VAMPIRES AREN'T REAL.

I feel I have to say that because I have vampiric characters. While he doesn't smell Joe very well, Gui loves drinking from him. Wu probably thinks the line is so common that she didn't bat an eye.

Gui: I'm hungry. You're intoxicating.
Joe: *shows him his neck*
Gui: *CHOMP*
me: *giggles*

Now, I still think it's lame that Edward, as a vampire, is running away (at first) from that want in the beginning...I never said it was a good story. Just that the one point didn't bother me.

And meme over! Go back to your ramen.

meme, books, rp

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