Jun 30, 2009 13:22

First, saw this last night:

image Click to view

This made me think...I don't usually work with them as humans, but I do think of racial diversity for my characters in general because they have Camouflage forms (some of them, anyway). Overanalyzing shit in true fashion, how did they pan out? YES, I'M THAT CRAZY ARROGANT, DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT??

Garrett - biracial; Kenyan and Chinese (YES, OBAMA IS HIS HOMEBOY. ...n-no, he isn't. BUT SPOCK IS. LOGIC, BITCHES). So, no. He's not Indian, he's not Arabian, he's NOT. Shit, these don't really apply 'cause he's not human and is anyone listening?
Wu Bai - straight up Kenyan. ORORO MUNROE IN THE FUCKING HOUSE, BLOWIN' UP SHIT. Her and Gare's dad liked black women, I guess. Once you go black, you can't go back, after all. EDIT: Wait, that doesn't work. they have the same dad. ...I HAVE MY CRYSTAL KAY, YES.
Beo and Bruno - Thai (were you surprised? I wasn't. So, a mechanic and would-be NASCAR enthusiast and an occasional crossdresser that loves cute things. Yay! :D)
Bryce - I guess that makes him Thai and...shit, what was Hiroko? Was she Japanese? That's what her name suggests, but shit if I know if she actually was.
Pili - Puerto Rican (no, really. Hey, she's awesome. And organized. SHIT YEAH)
Opal - Spanish (as in from Spain. Yes, an Amazon from Spain. TUBULAR (lol, what?))
ND - Brazilian (uhm...yeah. He's a black guy). Also? I want to see Besouro. CLICK IT. CLICK IT, NOW.
Inez - Uhm...where were the Mayans? Mesoamerican Indians, right? So, yes. (No, this isn't because of Chel ...yes it is, I lied.)
Nuno - also Brazilian (and a black guy) Yay, Brazilians!
Kyle - biracial; Korean and Caucasian (shit if I can be more specific than that). So. Pretty. We have established this truth.
Cesare - straight up Korean. Yes, a Korean Goth, how awesome is that shit?
Keys - Also a Mesoamerican Indian. Like Inez. But without all the curvy awesome. She butch awesome, instead.


One white person. And only half, at that. Uhm...this feels kind of awkward for some reason.
(No, I didn't mean skin. Because I'm pretty sure that Opal isn't incredibly brown, either. Or Cesare. Pale bastard.)

Also: this is my RP-related icon, now. That is the most fan-fucking-tastic Bruno, ever. Yet, it was hard to choose. I love this Kyle to fucking death, omg omg omg he's pretty, but I, being OCD and shit, ahbor icons where bits of someone else that's not supposed to be there is in the picture, and I was agonizing over editing Opal out. Sorry, sillygichan!

queer flowers, characters, robyn has fucking lost it, rp

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