I'm obsessed with Judas Iscariot.
(Just so you know: if there's ever a fandom secret about him, I DID NOT SEND IT. I think it's silly to admit to something, THEN submit a secret. Yanno?)
I listened to
"Heaven on Their Minds" like...fifteen times today. And I just found this REALLY REALLY REALLY
[good version]. OMG. I love his voice. *faves so hard* ...I want Keith David to sing this. SO BADLY.
I've been thinking about this opera way too often today...I want DreamWorks to get back into 2D and to make a movie of it. But...then I'd be scared that they'd make Judas all ugly and creepy, which isn't really the point...dammit. Why can't I be in charge of these things?? *pooooooout*
LOL...okay, I just found a
Japanese version, too. I can't stop laughing...OMG... Judas, as played by
[Yama]. How fabulous is that? (Oh, Yama. I love you. Honestly.)
Judas, Satan (or Lucifer or Azrael or...whoever the fuck he is today) and Lilith...you'd think I was picking the traditional bad guys to love on purpose. *twiddles thumbs* I can't help it...I swear.
Oh, and school? It was okay. I dread tomorrow, though. That's my late day, and I no longer have a cell phone.
EDIT: AGH! I've been reading too much manga. I was trying to read "Bad Guys" right to left, just now. GUUUUH.