Carrie Rudzinski is our feature this Friday at InFusion

Jun 25, 2009 16:31

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7133 Germantown Ave
8PM Start

Carrie loves when people don’t understand her poetry and are cryinganyway. Born and raised in northern Illinois, Carrie became addictedto fresh air, open spaces, and traveling at a young age. She is aproduct of the world famous Cantab Lounge in Boston, Massachusetts, aco-founder of the Emerson College Poetry Project, and a member of TheGringo Choir: Emerson College's first slam team.Named “Best FemalePoet” at the 2008 College Unions Poetry Slam Invitation (CUPSI),Carrie was also chosen to perform as one of five showcased poets as“The Best Of The Rest” on Finals Stage. She has competed for twoconsecutive years at CUPSI on the Emerson Team, finishing inSemi-Finals in 2008 and on Finals Stage in 2009, placing fourth in theNation at the largest CUPSI tournament in the history of the event.Featuring and performing from Los Angeles, California to London,England in colleges, bookstores, bars, and living rooms, Carrie hasbeen described as “mesmerizing, winding her way through the thicketsof attraction and disappointment with a machete in one hand and aheart she peeled off her sleeve in the other. She is at once brash andearnest; bracing, but never toxic” (Tom Daley, poet). She released herdebut spoken word album “Barefoot Whale Riders” in 2008 and has been afeatured artist on the Indie News Feed Performance Poetry Channel. TheBoston Globe has stated, "Carrie Rudzinski's ethereal voice flowsthrough heartbreaking metaphors of rejection and loss. She speaks withthe smooth, sensual rhythm of a jazz singer."

slams, open mics

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