So McCain is obviously a
Warrior. Take into account his extensive military service, and his weakness in getting easily trapped. Any Hunter worth their salt can chain-
Freezing Trap this guy until the cows (
Tauren) come home. Let's say in theory he's a human. That means his racial abilities include Mace & Sword Proficiency, Increased Spirit, Increased Rep Gain, and the ability to Detect Stealth. How else could he have noticed:
Palin is a
Hunter from a cold place, which makes her a
Dwarf. Her racial abilities include Gun Proficiency, Treasure Chest (Oil Field) Finding, Stoneskin, and Frost Resist. As we all know, Stoneskin will shrug off Poison effects which is always useful in an election year.
I thought Obama was a
Paladin but I now realize he is a
Priest who has become a
Symbol of Hope. Take notice that he has two sets of racial abilities. That's kind of a wild card there. Some n00bs used to question what faction he hailed from. I think that's been put to rest, but the thing with n00bs is, the world never runs out of n00bs.
So. Biden. Biden is unfortunately going to decide the election. Because he is a
Death Knight. Death Knights are completely in flux right now, they are being playtested for the upcoming expansion Wrath of the Lich King. If you re-arrange the letters in "Wrath of the Lich King" it precisely spells out the name Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney.
All right, that was a blatant lie. And neither the first nor the last you'll hear until the market release of Wrath of the Lich King this election year November.
The debates and the election are quite unimaginatively a 2 vs. 2 Arena Duel. With no stealthers to set up the initial exchange Palin is going to have a field day with the range advantage. Obama will cast Shadow Word: Pain, but honestly who fucking cares? If McCain can get off a Mortal Strike it will offset Obama's ability to heal through Palin's DPS. But she's really untested in Arenas so Palin's contribution will amount to getting WTFpwned by Biden's Death Knight - unless Blizzard seriously nerfs him before November. And you never know.
With Biden and Obama yawning through Palin's stings and shrugging off her concussive shot, the massive level advantage of McCain will become a determining factor. He's been around a long time but his gear might need repair.
And Obama's still got that Mind Control that he hasn't used yet.