To Macon Telegraph, a letter to the editor regarding Christmas

Aug 17, 2008 13:48

Wrote this in Dec last year, forgot to post it here... it WAS published

Re: Whats the Holiday by Vernon Smith of Bonair 12/24/07

I feel that Mr. Smith may be somewhat diluted as to what our countries tradition is regarding the winter holiday we now call "Christmas". So here I will attempt to set the record straight-and touch a few other important points.

In regards to this country, Decembe,25 was not recognized as a federal holiday until 1870. The fact of the matter is that the pilgrims did not celebrate Christmas either, as it was seen to them as decadent---the founding fathers even held congress on Christmas day of 1789. So I think it is quite clear that Christmas is more of an exception to the rule than a clear cut tradition.

In regards to the terminology of Xmas. Short greek lesson: X=Chi, P=Ro. XP=ChiRo or Christ in greek(simplified of course). If you dont know, Constantines army had an XP on their sheilds that represented Christ just as well as saying "Emmanuel lord of lords etc blah blah". The true fact of the matter is, people arent offended by Christ (mass) but are offended at jumbling words together in magazines or catologues...and by having to type that long name. Thats right, no one is trying to steal the Jesus out of Christmas, no GRANDE CONSPIRACY to subvert our culture to the wicked ways of athiesm or satanism. The church can rest now, go back to sleep.

Now, was Xmas ever really a Christian thing anyway? Heck no....Yule was a Scandinavian holiday that began on the Solstice of Dec. 21st, that was celebrated by much drinking and carrying on to thank their Gods for providing meat through the winter, and enough beer to last till spring. Saturnalia was celebrated over 1000 years in Rome before anyone ever heard of Christ, in the week before the solstice and lasted up to a month long. It was a celebration of Saturn, the God of agriculture--and it was often celebrated with much more drunkenness and revelry than even Yule. Saturnalia was a pagan celebration that turned the social structure on its head, poor people were buying the equivelant to HDTV's that they couldnt afford way before now. In fact, Christmas, is becoming more like its ROOTS than Christians will ever admit.

So get off your anti-holiday tossmass highhorse. Realize that holiday is appropriate because there are alot of holidays celebrated in this 6 week spread we call the "Holiday season" and not everyone celebrates or believes in the birth of your Christ.

If you doubt any of the facts I have presented today, please feel free to Google any of the terms I have used. There are plenty of strong resources available to those willing to learn-however few you may be.

Happy Saturnalia,

Matt Oxley

christmas, saturnalia, xmas

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