a conversation with a guy i went to school with

Feb 05, 2008 20:12

Back Ground:

I had my facebook message set to something like "Dont waste your vote on obama, if you arent researching candidates DO NOT VOTE"

(name removed)

6:44pm Feb 4th

encouraging ppl not to vote now? u are so fuckin dumb matt......


Welcome to Obama for America
Official Website of Barack Obama 2008 Presidential Campaign


Matt Oxley

7:22pm Feb 4th

the point was that a vote for anyone else, including Barack Obama is a vote for division, war, and the North American Union. Obama wont get out of the war...Obama will not improve race relations in this country, and the lower class will continue to grow while the middle class shrinks...the changes Barack are pushing are MINUTE and are nothing more than voting points to entice amerikans whom rarely read up on a candidate or his voting record before they vote for him.

No one would love to see a black man become president more than me, because i have spent so much of my time trying to change the way ignorant rednecks around this goddamned town see people that are different....

all the candidates save Ron Paul are a far cry from Ron, simply because he believes in our constitution, and wants to get the fuck out of this war right now...you can be fooled by the "change" hype...or you can vote for the Revolution.

Same shit, or a revolution...you truly do choose

Matt Oxley

7:34pm Feb 4th


before you do go vote...check this out

obama is dealt with about 2 minutes in

Play Video

Election '08: Who's Advising Your Candidate?
An interview with award-winning investigative journalist Allan Nairn on Amy Goodman's Democracy Now. Related: http://badgerherald.com/oped/2008/01/31/us_foreign_policy_pr.php


(name removed)

9:31pm Feb 4th

i'm not listenin to that bullshit; just because u have been misled doesnt mean u have to press ur will on and mislead everyone else; im tired of seein ron paul messages from u. its like uve been sent from the depths of hell to deliver the message of ron paul to people that dont wana hear it.

and wasup wit u tryna deter me from the beautiful message of hope inspiration love and togetherness that barack obama represents and this country needs? get real dude.

Matt Oxley

Today at 7:37pm

im guessing you not only arent listening, but didnt bother to watch the simple video....2 minutes was all it took....was that how much time you put into researching Obama when you decided to vote for him? or less? You dont want to hear it, then you wont...i reccomend you RESEARCH a candidate...the odds are that you didnt.If you took a look at the Ron Paul message, you might just be inspired...

IM not trying to deter you from a beautiful message, im trying to let you hear a message i doubt you got the chance to hear, MY candidate didnt get the TV air time yours did...most people dont know what MINE stands for....but most dont know what Obama or Clinton stand for either...thats because the vast majority of americans are talking bobble heads that repeat every bit of dribble they hear from the news stations...

dont forget though...you messaged me...you have the problem with the way i campaign...i just think an ignorant vote is a wasted vote...whether or not yours was ignorant i cant possibly know.

Btw. to my credit...every time i heard some ignorant redneck asshole say something about Obama swearing in on the Qu'ran or being a muslim, i defended the man...i know better than that, and either way it wouldnt bother me...So i did do some campaigning to Obama's aide because i dont like when people vote based on lies....i just want the best person for this country...that simple. Obama doesnt understand fiscal policy, he doesnt understand war, and he wont get us OUT of the war...we HAVE TO GET OUT OF THIS GODDAMMED WAR! Too many soldiers have died, too many innocent Iraqi's have died...and Obama voted to reinstate the FUCKING Patriot Act...( an act of terrorism). I reccoment you take a look at what the Patriot Act entails.

(name removed)

Today at 7:49pm

That's a long ass massage that I'm not guna read and thats why Barack won GA and Ron Paul is last lol!!!

Matt Oxley

Today at 8:10pm

thanks for proving my point

you wouldnt know what the point is because you DIDNT READ IT

like you didnt RESEARCH anything on ANY candidates

Matt Oxley

Today at 8:11pm

and we knew we would lose GA, and every other state

thats part of the plan

FYI, at the convention the primaries DO NOT MATTER

people are moronic, fuck me, ignance, tardism

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