Dec 30, 2008 23:31
2008 is quickly coming to an end.
So tell us exactly what happened in this unforgettable year.
How old did you turn?
What school did you go to?
Tell us about something good that happened:
Breannan and Justin's visit. Meeting Karli and Taryn at Gay pride. Getting a job at urban planet.
Tell us about something that you shouldn’t have done but enjoyed doing:
Wandering the streets alone after drinking too much.
Did you change much?
Not a whole, I i came to accept things about myself and my life that I guess changed my attitude about things.
Are you happy with who you have become?
I'm a little disappointed with some things about who i am but i don't really have the motivation to do anything about it right now.
Did you fall in love?
I fell in love with dave all over again in just the past few months.
Did you kiss anyone?
A big fat dyke named kat. WE didn't so much kiss as we made out..
Did you go on any holidays?
Vancouver and edmonton
Did you go to any camps?
Went camping with dave and some friends
Did you see any movies at the theatres?
A few
Tell us a song you were hooked on:
Youth in asia by dirty sancheze
Did you go to the beach?
A lot. I live a few blocks from one.
Did you get really dressed up for anything?
For the bar a few time, gay pride and few times at work.
Tell us a funny thing that happened?
Getting into the strip club for free and getting a guy to buy us drinks all night with a stripper while dressed in pvc.
Tell us the saddest thing that happened?
Having a friend stop talking for me for no apparent reason other then she must be to stuck up and full of herself to be able to handle a long distance friendship, and having another friend fuck over a bunch of people and therefore got run out of town.
What are you doing for Christmas?
Dinner at my brother in laws and breakfast at dads.
What do you want for Christmas?
I wanted a lot of things. I got a few of them.
What are your plans for New Year?
Sitting at home with dave with a bunch of fancy cheese and some wine.
Will you be getting a midnight kiss?
If we're paying any attention to what time it is.
What are you most looking forward to next year?
My new job, spiff, working on the condo.
Are you happy with what happened this year?
So so.
Was 2008 your best year?
No, grade 12 was.