Don't be stupid Laura

Jul 24, 2008 12:00

Okay I'm mainly writing about this for myself but making it public so that others can remind me not to be stupid.

And I don't talk about this stuff alot because I don't do this stuff alot.

Alright. Last weekend I went camping. I did some drugs while I was camping. I did a lot of drugs while I was camping. I did E. Now, i've done E before so I know that I grind my teeth ALOT while on it. Someone suggested that I chew gum so that i won't grind my teeth. So I did, but every time i spit out my gum I would forget to get another piece but i would keep chewing... on my cheeks. I ate up my cheeks so bad that I swelled up and looked like a chipmunk. My mouth hurt so bad that I couldn't eat for about 4 days. So I felt like shit. Oh i had also decided to do more drugs the following night (which everyone now agrees was probably a bad idea because everyone felt pretty rough after that) I also tried shrooms which i don't think i'll do again because those things are weird. Way to visual for my taste.

Anyways. Moral of the story. Laura can't handle her drugs well so don't let her do alot when she is feeling invincible.
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