(no subject)

Nov 07, 2006 09:22

1. Introduction
a. Attention getter; A question
b. Background information; a man can be convicted for murdering both a woman and the fetus inside of her and be charged with double murder. How can we let a woman get away with doing the same thing to the baby inside her?
c. Position statement; we must stop woman from killing these innocent babies for no real reason i.e.; not feeling like having a baby, don’t want the responsibility of a baby, or believing they wouldn’t be a good enough mother so they shouldn’t even bring them into the world. (There is adoption)
d. Intro paragraph (Is the killing of an innocent helpless child okay in America? To many people it is considered only the removal of an “infection” from a woman’s body. I think that baby is nowhere near an infection but a gift that many people are throwing away. They are not only throwing it away but also brutally ending its chance at a good life! If our judicial system can convict a man for murdering a woman and the fetus inside of her, how can we allow that very woman to kill the baby herself?)
2. Body (three arguments - each should have a minimum of eight sentences)
a. Argument one; Why let these women kill their babies when we have government funding for adoption agencies. There are thousands of couples out there that are not able to have babies. Their only means of having a child is adopting. How are they going to adopt if we keep killing all of our children. Are we savages?! Many people have to wait a year or more to even be interviewed to become eligible to bring a baby into their home. With people in such need for the love of a child, how can we turn them away and say “sorry we would rather have this baby ripped out my this woman and put in the incinerator.” I will ask it again, what are we savages?!
b. Argument two; In this past year I have seen stories on the news of a man being convicted for killing his wife and the fetus inside of her. If she decided to terminate her pregnancy, our judicial system could do nothing to stop her. On the other hand, he killed her and her baby so he must be charged for both. This just shows how twisted America is. How are we going to justify that decision? They say that the baby was almost fully developed so we have to charge him. They also say the fetus that was aborted is nothing but a lump of cells, but do these pictures look like a lump of cells? I think not.
c. Argument three;

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