Vividcon 2016 No Source? No Problem! Vidshow

Aug 20, 2016 11:11

Wow, hi! It's been a while, hasn't it? Dusting off the old journal because a while back I was asked if after Vividcon was over I could post an extended edition of my vidshow, No Source? No Problem! and this seems like the best place to do it.

So what I'm going to do is that, but also some commentary on why each vid was chosen because I have this knowledge in my brain and feel the need to share it.

Are you ready? It doesn't matter. Here we go.

The theme of the show was vids that lacked a convenient visual source like podcasts, books, and fic and sprung from my rapid and all consuming spiral into The Raven Cycle fandom where, to my absolute delight, I discovered there were vids. Lots of them! In fact, the vid that first gave me the idea for this vidshow is in the extended edition below. Between that and my deep and abiding love for fans reaching for the fucking moon and succeeding, this was all right up my alley. I alternatively called this vidshow "Vidding: Hard Mode" and "FANDOM CAN DO ANYTHING."

I also want to give a big thank you to everyone who helped me along the way in getting my very first Vividcon vidshow together! Shoutout to Trelkez, Rhea314, and bironic in particular. ♥


1. Bloody Shirt, by unfinishedidea
A vid for Welcome to Night Vale, which I'm sure you're aware is a podcast. I swear I thought I first saw this vid at a past VVC, but that's actually impossible because it has never been in a VVC vidshow before mine and that seemed sufficiently Night Valean for me to include it. Also, it's stunningly edited, combining a wide number of sources into a consistent visual tone.

2. The Scorpio Races || Fan Book Trailer, by Tifa
A trailer for The Scorpio Races, which is a book by Maggie Stiefvater. I found this while searching for Raven Cycle vids, which isn't strictly for the vidshow just a common pastime of mine. I'm so happy I did though because Tifa and Rinoa's channel is one amazing constructed reality vid after the other. The music choice is perfect match for the tone of the book and the sound effects (ocean, hooves, horses) are subtly deployed to great effect.

3. The Name of the Wind Trailer, by jumboskittles
A trailer for The Name of the Wind, the first book in The Kingkiller Chronicle series by Patrick Rothfuss. Chosen because I love the build of this vid and the sense of excitement it creates. The use of text from the source is a common trick in the constructed reality vidder's toolbag to get the viewer on board with the visual narrative as well.

4. Trailer for Drastically Redefining Protocol, by Zoetrope
The first of the fanfic trailers in the vidshow, this one based on rageprufrock's modern day Merlin AU, Drastically Redefining Protocol. I'm a little biased because I've spent a lot of time with this series for podficcing reasons, but it sprung immediately to mind for me. It's stylistic and the effects blend in effortlessly. The little newspaper stand headlines modified, strategic use of scrolling news text, the paparazzi camera frames, etc.

5. We Were Liars || Fanmade Trailer #2, by Starcaster2124
Trailer for We Were Liars, a book by E. Lockhart. I'm still not entirely convinced this isn't an actual trailer for a really real movie. A master class in editing and seamless use of audiobook clips to frame it all up.

6. Meet Me Halfway | SwanQueen | HunnyFresh Fanfic, by MissLane
Trailer for HunnyFresh's AU Once Upon a Time fanfic, Meet Me Halfway. THIS IS SO CUTE. FRICK. Someone on Twitter recced me another of MissLane's trailers for a different HunnyFresh fic which was also fantastic, but had character death in it and while I really wanted to include femslash in the show I didn't want to bring the dead lesbian trope with it. (That vid is in the bonus section below though!) So that's how I ended up watching every vid in MissLane's channel with ever increasing awe and finding this one which is an ABSOLUTE DELIGHT. It manipulates the footage from the show, incorporates outside source, and recontextualizes audio to create its narrative.

7. In Dreams, by Heather Jensen
A Ronan Lynch-centric vid for The Raven Cycle, a book series by Maggie Stiefvater. If you have no visual source to work with and you're as hardcore as Heather you draw, animate, and vid it all yourself. There was no way I wasn't going to include this masterpiece in the show.

8. Deshi Basara, by harrypfanmcc
Trailer based on the book Red Rising by Pierce Brown. I know absolutely nothing about this book except for what the wiki told me, but this is a vid that uses a lot of footage from big name franchises and does a really good job of recontextualizing it and making it look similar by overlaying the fire effect and recoloring it.

9. Grisha Trilogy || DarklingxAlina, by CarolynOnUTube
Based on a book series, The Grisha Trilogy, by Leigh Bardugo. Another vid with a solid narrative build, use of outside source, and the first of the vids in the show to really lean heavily on using footage of a model for one of the characters. I found that to be a fairly common tool for vidders in book fandoms. Modelling videos don't carry narrative baggage from other sources with them and are often very visually stylized, which can be useful. I also have not read more than the wiki for these books, but I know that guy's bad news and Keira Knightley should NOT bang him but really SHOULD bang him because hot damn.

10. Carry Your Throne, by Rhea
Based on the Captive Prince book series by C.S. Pascat. I didn't chose this one so much as Rhea asked if I wanted a Captive Prince premiere and I said YES PLZ GIVE IT TO MEEEE YOU ARE AMAAAAAZIIIING and it was thus. When the transition happens from the lyric "we rose this love from the dirt now" and them getting it on to that explosion on "set fire to the sky watch it burn down", it's just incredible.

11. L I T T L E. T I T A N. CA F É. [Eren/Levi], by hydrazoite
Based on the Attack on Titan coffee shop AU fic The Little Titan Café by pocketsizedtitan. This vid combines several anime sources and still drawings of the characters and original animation to create the ever popular coffe shop AU. Short, but exceedingly sweet and technically impressive!

12. A Brief History of Montmaray, by dayln03
Based on books by Michelle Cooper. dayln03 combines source from multiple period dramas and audio clips to recreate this WWII story and create a really compelling and consistent visual tone in this vid.

13. Written By The Victors - Vid, by zulu
Based on the Stargate Atlantis fic Written by the Victors by Speranza. Somehow, somehow despite being a huge fan of this story of years I was wholly unaware of zulu's incredible vid for it until someone suggested it to me for this vidshow! This story, aside from being a written work itself, is largely about writing and text. I mean, it's right there in the title. Which is a tough thing to convey in a visual medium, but zulu did it beautifully using text and scrolling images of letters/emails/articles to tell the story in the vid.

14. the marauders | darkness, by fakescottishaccent
Based on the Marauders era of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, of course. Look. If you know me at all, you know that 1) there was no way I wasn't going to put a Marauders vid into this show and 2) I cry every single time I watch this vid. It's less story and more snapshots of the era, but the feeling of looming war, distrust, and fear comes across so clearly through the audio clips and the music and the setting. Just outstanding. Since not everyone is up to their eyeballs in Marauders fancasts like I am, let me encourage you to pop over to youtube and look at the vidder's notes for a list of who's who. I also have one more Marauders vid from this vidder in the bonus section, but I went with this one because it packed more of a gut punch.

15. When Brakes Get Wet, by thatfangirl
Based on the book Code Name Verity, by Elizabeth E. Wein. The second vid in the show to feature Keira Knightley. I am not at all complaining. Footage from this is primarily from The Edge of Love, supplemented with amateur videos posted to YouTube, which I honestly would not have known had I not read the vidder's notes, they blend in so well.

16. Cinder: The Lunar Chronicles || The Future Will Destroy You (FAN-BOOK TRAILER), by Rinoa
Based on the book Cinder from The Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer. This. vid. is. seamless. And I'm pleased it got a repeat play at the Instant Replay panel at the end of the con. There's a lot of familiar footage that the vidder recontextualizes through color and effects, creating the whole scifi Cinderella future so vividly.

17. Ancillary Justice Book Trailer, by bironic
Based on Ancillary Justice from the Imperial Radch book series by Ann Leckie. There was a not insignificant amount of arm waving and flailing when bironic asked if I wanted a premiere for my show and even more due to the fact it was for Ancillary Justice. The result is just as incredible as you'd expect. It's a real work of art, pulling on a wide variety of sources that create the world so clearly both in visuals and in music, which is central to Justice of Toren. And you know how there's always one or two vids that blow up post-Vividcon and go viral? Well Ann Leckie's got good taste in vids as it turns out.

18. if i could fly [l.s]│opening credits, by WimzeeVids
Based on the One Direction fic If I Could Fly by Alessandra Ferreri. A few of things about this vid. First, I wanted to lighten the mood. This vidshow is sort of heavy and I'm well aware of that. Second, Wattpad trailers are a MAJOR THING and I had no idea until I went down the YouTube rabbit hole with them. Hundreds and hundreds of fic and original story based trailers. Third, this is not even remotely my fandom but this is a fantasy character AU based on a band that doesn't even appear in the vid and featuring the word "Zayntaur" and I love every single thing about that. Fandom is the absolutely the best. And fourth, this is the second vid in the show to feature a clip from a JFK speech and I don't know what that means but I'm rolling with it. More from this vidder in the bonus section.

19. jesse&andrew | the giraffe notes, by WhereTheSelfResides
Based on the Social Network RPF AU fic The Giraffe Notes by jeyhawk. Another light hearted vid that got an audible awwww from the room. It also furthered my agenda of sneakily slipping fics into the show that also have excellent podfics available. This vid is a joy start to finish, but my favorite part is Justin Timberlake's exceedingly earnest face in the crowd at the Oscar's at the end. He is so invested in Jesse and Andrew, you guys. I believe it in my heart.

20. [FanVid]Good Omens, by YunJi Jung
Based on the book Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett of course. Although for purposes of the programming guide I put in Queen lyrics. I wanted to end the show on a fun note and a well known fandom, so this vid fit the bill perfectly. The source is entirely drawn and animated by the vidder and uses humor really well.

That being the vidshow, here are some bonuses!

Cry No More, by icecubesteverogers
This is the vid from The Raven Cycle that sparked the idea for this vidshow and I literally gasped the first time I watched it. The vidder uses a lot of artistic source to stand in as symbols and tell the story and represent what the characters are feeling and doing since the source doesn't exist. Quotes from the books about the characters are also shown to punctuate what's happening in the visuals. Just gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. I may have some bias though because I ship it like fedex.

Letters From War | Part 1 | SwanQueen | HunnyFresh Fanfic, by MissLane
This is the OuaT SwanQueen vid that was originally recced to me and it's outstanding in the way it constructs the story, but do bring tissues and brace for character death.

the marauders I storms ahead, by fakescottishaccent
This is the other Marauders vid that came in as a close second. Huge thanks to Rhea314 for finding me both of them!

Home by Rhea314
I'm cheating just a little, because this vid was posted after the vishow deadline, but I absolutely would have included it if I could. A found family/team feels vid for the All For the Game series by Nora Sakavic. Combines film footage, sports footage, and YouTube clips to construct its narrative.

Book Vid: Parable [Octavia Butler's Parables book series], by chaila
I found out this vid existed two weeks after the vidshow deadline and was SO SAD I couldn't include it, but here it is for your viewing pleasure now. More expert use of text to tell the story. I enjoy the instrumental version of The Day the Whole World Went Away for this as well.

MACBETH (fake trailer), by mistress Fleming аka Сireal
A waffled back and forth on whether to use this or Deshi Basara in the show, both for time reasons and because they're equally heavy. What I like about this vid is that there's plenty of source out there if all you wanted to do was create a vid for a Shakespeare play, but the vidder's preferred fancast didn't seem to exist. So they made it. Fantastic.

The Demon King | Hanalea and Alger, by jumboskittles
This vid is based on The Seven Realms by Cinda Williams Chima. I ultimately went with jumboskittles's The Name of the Wind trailer instead because I thought it'd be more well known and it had more momentum to it, but I enjoyed this one equally.

ronan & adam | second secret, by AnnaBrzozowska
Another Raven Cycle vid for Ronan and Adam. This is another vid that uses audiobook source to great effect. It does contain some spoilers for the latter books, so mind that if it's a concern.

Fem!lock trailer, by ~ВолчЁнок ~ аka Сireal
This was shown in a VVC vidshow fairly recently so I didn't include it, but it's beautifully constructed and interesting because it's based on tumblr gifsets rather than a written work.

Scarlet: The Lunar Chronicles || House of Metal (FAN-BOOK TRAILER), by Rinoa
Another fantastic vid for The Lunar Chronicles by Rinoa. This one based on the book Scarlet. And if you liked these I encourage you to go over to their YouTube channel and watch all the other Lunar Chronicles vids they've made!

The Theban Plays (Trailer), by harrypfanmcc.
I am just ecstatic that this person's fandom is The Theban Plays so much so that they made a vid. FANDOM IS THE BEST.

Welcome to Night Vale - Carlos's Speech (Condos), by ZeNami Design
This vid is a little left of the idea of the vidshow so I didn't include it, but vids that create their own source through use of dynamic text are really interesting to me as well.

Visenya Targaryen, by Sylenda Minoris
There are a lot of people out there vidding background characters from A Song of Ice and Fire. Particularly Targaryens.

Howl's Moving Castle || Live action TRAILER (fan made), by moon_pie
A live action vid for Howl's Moving Castle. Another case where there is technically source available, but the vidder wanted to go a different direction.

Serial Podcast - The Trailer, by grandleno1
I wanted to include more podcast vids aside from Night Vale, but didn't find a whole lot unfortunately. This one is great, but I felt weird about including it in the vidshow proper because Serial is about real people and real death. Nonetheless, it's an interesting watch. More original animation.

The Black Tapes Podcast Opening Credits, by Laura Em
Speaking of more podcast vids! I ultimately cut it because it was too short and I couldn't exceed 20 vids for reasons of time.

The Grisha Trilogy Series Trailer, by Claire Wenzel
More gorgeous original animation, this time for the Grisha Trilogy. I had plenty of other Grisha Trilogy choices though and this was on the short side.

the man in the parlor│short story trailer, by WimzeeVids
I'm just going to rec you WimzeeVids's entire channel because everything there is excellent and interesting. This is a Wattpad trailer for an original short story.

The Dream Pack., by dreampvck and Kavinsky by sexybritishllama
There are a lot of little vidlets out there in book fandoms and I wanted to include some to represent that, but ultimately I had to leave them out for time. Here's a couple for some minor antagonist characters in the Raven Cycle. Warning for drug use, drinking, and basically a whole lot of bad behavior for 30 seconds each.

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