2012 Year In Review

Dec 31, 2012 14:34

Sherlock season 2 premiered and held an all consuming force over my life for the month of January.

Megauplod died. (Long live megaupload?) It was inconvenient for a lot of people.

I bought a house and moved.

I somehow pulled off another year of running the Programming department for Anime Detour. This was at the same time as the house shopping and buying. I'm not sure how both happened without my head exploding either. I think I've blocked the memories.

The Avengers came out and it was great. That was in no small part thanks to a bunch of podfic and fandom friends descending on the Twin Cities simultaneously.

My brother got married and he and his wife. They later adopted the most adorable puppy and named him Ralph. I have pictures. Would you like to see pictures?

I visited Southern California for Evan and Lanny's wedding and had the chance to see many good friends who I don't see often enough.

lunchee and I accidentally started a podcast because we are crazy people who think we have more free time than we actually do:

There was a presidential election, and marriage and voter ID amendments, locally. All of them stressed me out of my mind, but thankfully ended well.

I visited the Philippines.

Skyfall came out, reigniting my long term fannish obsession with James Bond.

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey came out, reigniting my long term fannish obsession with Lord of the Rings.

I went to Marscon, Anime Detour, CONvergence, Vividcon, and Omegacon. Another light year on the con-going circuit, if you're me.

New fandoms this year: Parks and Recreation, Elementary, and I'm just sticking my toe into the waters of Person of Interest right now.

Primary fandoms for the year: Still working every permutation of Sherlock Holmes through my system. Thanks to the movie, the Avengers and Marvel universe really hit its fannish stride this year. Parks and Rec has completely nestled its way into my heart and lodged itself there.

Shows that ended this year: Merlin, and Fringe deserves a mention even though it will continue running for a few weeks into 2013. It's sad on both counts, but I feel like they've both reached natural conclusions.

Podfic produced this year: Unplanned, which clocked in at all of 3:25. Such has been the measure of my year in terms of obligations vs. fandom things I really would prefer to be doing. Although I am THIS FREAKING CLOSE to posting a new one that's around 3.5 hours. It's just not going to happen by the time the day is out.

2012 was good, but exhausting. I'm ardently hoping 2013 will move a bit slower and give me some time to focus on the things I want to do vs. the things I need to do.

If all goes well though, I'll be visiting Europe again. If all goes really well, I'll be visiting Europe and going to a con while I'm there. Fingers crossed.

This entry was originally posted at http://revolutionaryjo.dreamwidth.org/574285.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

year in review

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