Feb 04, 2006 22:08
A blogspot post revisted and being posted onto livejournal. Enjoy...
"Give me a place to stand and I'll move the earth." --Archimedes.
In history class, we've been learning about the most famous philosophers. You know, the typical Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Sophocles, Eratosthenes, Archimedes, etc. etc. Well, the other day we were talking about Archimedes (well, they were talking. I was half asleep, but I did hear this particular part of the discussion). Archimedes, for those who don't know, invented the lever. He always said show him where to stand and he'd move the earth (with his lever). Being the analytical person I am, the first thing I noticed was the parallel to Christianity, and my life. If I had to think of my one huge dream for my life, it's to change the world through worship. I feel like lately all I really want to pray is, "God show me where to go and I'll move the earth." I just want to see the world changed. In all honesty, it's not so much I have to be the one to change the world, but just seeing it changed through worship is amazing, but I do want to be used by God in that way.
Relating to the subject:: On the way to church tonight we were listening to an old Steven Curtis Chapman song. In this song Chapman talks about how he, "..made a list of all the ways You could best use me. Told all my strengths and my abilities.." But, then he continues on to say why is it so important how we're used of God. Meaning, who cares how God uses you if He chooses to use you (which is humbling in and of itself). We all have our strengths, we all have the ways we think we'll be used, but it's not up to us. God will choose how to use each of us, and it will fit perfectly with what we're each individually designed and created to do. In the second verse of that song Chapman says, "I want to do your will no matter what it is." This makes me sometimes question if the way I will make an impact is even through music at all. I know that's what God wants me to do, but maybe I'll do something that doesn't have anything to do with music and it will make an impact.
It just goes to show you how unlimited our abilities are when we give them to God.