(no subject)

Sep 13, 2006 06:58

I got this email this morning from the uni. I am struck by the fact that there's an "Other" option, but not a "None" option. I could email back, all innocence, and give my information as MA, with or without the explanation that it stands for Militant Atheist. (Douglas Adams noted that if you tell people you're an atheist, they ask, "But, so, do you really not believe in god, or are you like agnostic or something?" On the other hand, with militant atheist, they will never ask such silly things. They'll ask other silly things, perhaps, but not that.)

It would be rather fun, really, to just give MA, and let them email me for clarification. Heh.

Subject: Religious Affiliation at Georgetown University

The Office of the University Registrar is working through registration and add/drop
for the Fall 2006 semester, and we have noticed that we do not have a religious
affiliation associated with you. While it is not necessary to grant the University
this information; it is always helpful as we prepare statistics and report demographic
data. This information will not be used on an individual basis.

If you will, please inform us which of the following best describes your religious
affiliation. For ease of data entry, please respond with you student identification
(GO Card #) and the code that you associate with your religious affiliation.
You are under no responsibility to reply.

HI - Hindu
IS - Islam
JE - Jewish
LD - Latter-Day Saints (Edit:Also can be noted with FI, for Fucking Insane.)
LU - Lutheran
ME - Methodist
MN - Mennonite
OR - Orthodox
PR - Presbyterian
PT - Other Protestant
SA - Seventh Day Adventist
OT - Other
UC - United Church of Christ

Best Regards,
Office of the University Registrar

Also, isn't it interesting that all the others are in adjective form, if it's available - Hindu, Jewish - and yet, instead of Muslim, it's Islam. Weird.

religious fuckers, dc

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