Here is the third photograph D managed to get of me on this trip (you've seen the first, and the second was me, tipsy, in front of Propaganda! in Petersburg). This is one I actually willingly posed for, though. D still opines that I'm "hiding" in this one, though I cannot for the life of me imagine what he could mean...
Yes, it's me with Karl, and on the front of his platform, it says "Workers of all the countries, Unite!"
Here of course is the quintessential image of Moscow, indeed of Russia, to the minds of most Westerners. We spent an hour on Red Square our last night in Moscow, for D to mess around with the long exposure feature on his camera to try to get a good picture of St. Basil's. He took about 30. Fortunately, I had my new Soviet flask, filled with vodka, and a nice half liter of Sprite with which to soften it...
And here's Red Square, which I took the liberty of labeling, for those who don't know it intimately: