I'm pretty sure that with a combination of sales, coupons, and rebates, I just made it so that Rite-Aid is going to pay me $22 for accepting a bag of stuff I needed. I rule.
I only got bitten by Felix once yesterday, on the scalp. (See
here if that statement confuses you.) This is admittedly the first time he's gotten the scalp badly enough to
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We have several games that you can play with two people, but are much more fun with more, and there are lots and lots of awesome board games I haven't even bothered getting for that reason. Cults Across America is one of the many I'd love to try. We also already have Munchkin and almost all of the SlugFest games. Do I feel a potential game night group coming on??
In a completely unrelated topic, I need to ask you something. What is one supposed to do with the lingonberry sauce that is sold with the Swedish meatballs at Ikea? There's the gravy, and then the lingonberries. Where do they go??
game night sounds good!
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