#47-51 Sci-fi, vampires, time travel

Aug 22, 2007 12:28

47. My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding (P.N. Elrod, ed.)

So, I'm supposed to be this big scholarly type, right? Yeah, well, I can't help it. For some reason, I, who hate romance novels, really love paranormal romance. It's embarrassing, and it's true. About half of the stories in this collection are gaggingly bad, but the others range from good to really good. It's worth reading, and I did discover one author in there that seems worth reading in more depth.

48. Path of the Eclipse (Chelsea Quinn Yarbro)

I love vampire stories, too, and I love this Saint-Germain series, but this is my least favorite so far. It's like two short novels smashed together, both mired down in local politics of the settings more than usual. Worth reading, if you love the series, but not a highlight.

49. The Ananzi Boys (Neil Gaiman)

Who doesn't love Neil Gaiman? This is a sci-fi sort of book that draws on Gaiman's interest in the gods of cultures outside the English-American tradition. This particular exploration is of animal gods of the Caribbean, being versions of gods brought with the slaves from Africa. It's a great story, and a fascinating exploration of story-telling and deity.

50. In the Garden of Iden (Kage Baker)

I've been eyeing The Company series for a long time, and this is the first book thereof. It involves immortals and time travel, and is really quite good. I read it in one day, it was so involving. I've got the second book on hold at the library even as I type.

51. The Fandom of the Operator (Ian Rankin)

This book is not good. It just isn't. I listened to it on CD on my way back to DC from North Carolina last week, and kept listening because I didn't have another book along to listen to instead. It was just interesting enough to finish the last hour after I got home, but all in all, it just wasn't so good, though the idea was okay.

time travel, books2007, vampires, science fiction, books

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