things to do when you're bored

Nov 12, 2005 05:43

well I kinda out did myself this time with boredom. As usual I was at work trying to kill time and the stapler ran out of staples. I like putting in new staples, you have a whole lot of staples stuck together and it's just one of those stupid fun things... anyway long story short I ended up spending the next 45 minutes hunting imaginary things with a swingline stapler, I even went on a mission to covet a copy of the boston globe... ok so i stole it from a nearby resturant.

So things to aliviate boredom during a boring nightshift:
1) go upstairs and get a snack
2) find ways to download old television shows
3) do homework
4) sit here
5) read about the red sox
6) hunt imaginary enemies with a swingline stapler
7) play sudoku
8) think about how to take over the world
9) play games totally inapproprite for someone working in a hotel
10) watch old south parks
11) read harry potter
12) go on lj and make random posts
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