This community is doomed

Sep 13, 2019 00:27

I hate that the first thing I post in years isn't a new layout, but this.

It has come to my attention that Flexible Squares and Smooth Sailing themes have been discontinued by LiveJournal. If I'm being honest, I knew this was a long time coming, but I figured we'd at least be informed about it before they'd actually go and erase them from existence.

If you currently have a discontinued theme installed, you can keep on using my layouts, or the hundreds of other ones out there. But if you ever change it, you won't be able to go back.

What does it mean for revolumna? Well, I know this community wasn't very active to begin with, but I was secretly hoping to come back at some point. I graduated earlier this year, so I've had time to think about it. I'm not going to lie though, the news is difficult to swallow. I guess I'll keep on being on indefinite hiatus and see what happens. If I do ever come back at some point, would you like me to "convert" my old layouts to Expressive or Minimalism for example, or start fresh and make new ones?

Thank you for the love you have for my layouts. It still blows my mind that some people actually take the time to go and post a lovely comment here and there, even after all these years.

Edit 09/13: Someone reminded me that Dreamwidth is still a thing, and it made me think that you can actually use layouts made originally for LiveJournal there. If you're interested, I'd suggest you read this excellent post written by sireesanwar. I'll always provide support for my layouts, whether it be here or in Dreamwidth. Just drop a comment on the related post in this community and I'll take a look at it asap.

Edit 10/15: If you have a non-discontinued theme installed but want to start using Flexible Squares ones again, there's still hope for you if you own a paid account. Head over to this post to learn how to.


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