There is so much I can say about my trip. I am suffering from massive UN withdrawal. This is really crazy; not just how much work I have to do now that I am back but all that happened in 10 days that were out of this world.
Ginebra 2007
Me enamoré, no por nada, sino de tí y no por una razón sencilla, quizás la distancia, o tu exuberante exóticismo. ¿Seré tonto o masoquista? Otorgo al callar pero nunca olvidaré.
This is my attempt to, within a modernist perspective, to explain my feelings about the trip.
This is a picture I took with the Venezuelans in committee. One of them is one I liked, but I knew from the getgo it wouldn't happen. I didnt win in committee but everyone came up to me telling me how much I deserved an award, which in this conference are given out as 'diplomacy awards'. Its funny how a couple of the people who won were not diplomatic at all. I even had someone come up and tell me how much I changed his life.
I had a lot of funny occurrences happen like: fights with peacocks, 'magic juice', the bow tie mafia, falling out of beds, puking, krunkness.
As of now, the only things I have to remind me of this trip are the 9000+ skymiles, a couple of pictures, a WorldMUN handbag, a swiss cellphone line, notes, a pen and MEMORIES.