I am not actually hiatusing!

Oct 17, 2009 02:20

Really! I am just lazy at the moment.

Okay, a quick rundown of my week:

Monday, MRI scan. Lying very very still in a noisy plastic tube for twenty minutes! Fun times! Actually, no, it was... well, sort of cool. Like being in a tiny Large Hadron Collider. (Which I suppose would actually just be a Tiny Hadron Collider.) And, you know, if it helps figure out what the flying fuck is going on with my legs, it's completely worth it. Though I am kind of terrified that the results are going to come back saying "lol inconclusive" or "lol unfixable". Or "lol it is actually EXPLODING SPACE CANCER which has settled in your knee for some reason, you have ten minutes to live".

Wednesday, final DipHE exam. Roman history. Aaaaaaaaah. I hope so damn hard that I've passed. I think I did okay, but... I'm not 100% sure. I wrote coherent responses to the questions, but what if I had my facts wrong or didn't mention the right sources? I know I wrote a fucking brilliant essay for the first question, which was (thankyou, God) on Juvenal and his thoughts on luxuria. I KNOW JUVENAL REALLY WELL* so I managed a pretty convincing answer to that one. (quick version: he wasn't a big fan.) Second one was about whether Rome's occupation of African countries was beneficial to Africans, to which I basically said "not really, no"; third one was about Roman houses and said that I needed to "refer closely to the ancient sources", so I pretty much just said "Vitruvius" a lot and hoped for the best. VITRUVIUS.

(None of the above paragraph will make any sense if you aren't a classical-studies geek so, uh, feel free to skip it. Sorry about that.)

The rest of the week has been taken up mostly with my attempts to a) acquire something resembling a social life, without b) falling over and collapsing from exhaustion. I have been somewhat failing on b), which is why I've dropped behind a bit with journalling.

*edit: er, by this, I mean I know his Satires really well. Because I've read them lots, and written about them before. I realise the way I wrote it originally made it sound like I was all "YEAH ME AND JUVENAL HANG OUT ALL THE TIME". This is not the case, what with him being dead and Roman and also probably kind of annoying!

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roman history is roman, medical crap

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