May 11, 2008 15:29
Haven't updated in a while, but I've been doin' plenty of lurkin' 'round these heah parts. Now on to the boredom:
-Work on the house goes on. The upstairs is almost ready to be painted (with the exception of the bathroom, which is still being renovated). Downstairs is coming along nicely. I say this as if I had any part of this, and that's not completely true. If anything I've done my best to steer clear of these nice people who know what they're doing, but I do lend a hand from time to time.
-I still have big sweet puppies for good homes... five, to be precise. I oughta post pics of the pups, like a smart person. If I don't get them adopted soon, I never will.
-Saturday morning, while scaling a six-foot-fence, I seriously sprained both of the heels of my feet when I landed on them. Nothing's broken or terribly bruised, but my walking ability has been hindered to the point where I'm pretty useless. I'm soaking them in epsom salts, icing them down, elevating them, all that shit. So far, I can hobble. I might be able to work tomorrow, if'n I can walk.