Reflecting on The Celebration of LIfe of Ted

Aug 29, 2009 19:57

I got back for MVH in Dayton, OH from being with a family as their father had by pass surgery. As the Kennedy Family dealt with the day's Celebration. Some of us, our lives go on as we are about our work. Such is the way when it's our turn to grieve for a loved one, others go about their day unknown to all the happenings of that for us.

I got home in time to watch the Interment at Arlington Cemetary. As I watch, my mind's eye takes me back to June 1996 when my mother and I visited JFK and Jackie's gravesite, RFK's gravesite...on the walk back out to the entrance, the rows and orws of the crosses and tombstone will overwhelm you. You may think, as a cynical person that you are, why vote? Then staring you in the face at Arlington Cetmentary, you see why! I would suggest for any American to visit Arlington Cemetary, you will be moved solemnly.

We watch history today, maybe some of us not old enough to have seen RFK or JFK's funeral and use imagination and step back in time to experience something our parents did.

Some may not agree politically with Ted. But, we set that aside to pray and reflect for his family. Ted may have been flawed. But, as Morning Joe ( Joe Scarborugh stated this morning) King David , a man after God's own heart, was flawed as he was a rapist, adulterer and murderer. Jacob( Isreal) chosen by God, a liar. God chose to use a flawed people. That's what grace is all about. Nothing we ca do to earn it. We are flawed.

One thing about it, Ted help usher civil rights for blacks, helped the poor, helped his family members. He was a private man spiritually, and some may say, as liberal as he was---well you finish it. But, Ted's salvation is between he and God. We cannot judge, we are not suppose to, lest we are judged. As privately, he prayed for his daughter who got lung cancer in the church where his service was. He also, took dirt from Arlington to place on Isreal's PM- Rabin's grave. Privately, no media. He visited JFK's and Rfk's Grave, privately, not with media.

So, what we do we do in private. Between us and God.

Ted is where-ever he be. Tomorrow his living family will have to continue and answer to God on their own. Let us pray that this be a lesson to them and us. Our own mortality, our own need for the Compassion and Salvation of Christ the Lord.

That is all.
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