(no subject)

Jun 04, 2005 03:23

I wrote this really long entry about my falling and busting my head while tripping. Then goddamn Livejournal decided to not like my post and erased it. It was really long and in detail. And there is now way in hell I'm typing it all back out again. So, I present the short version.

1. 50 grams of pure DXM arrived.
2. Devin, Chris, Joesph, Ben, and myself went on a binge to celebrate.
3. Pot was smoked.
4. More pot was needed, Ben and I went to go apprehend some.
5. Ben got sick and puked all over a Pentacostal church parking lot, as they were going into service. Humor at it's best.
6. In one 30 hour span, I consumed no less than 3.5 grams of DXM. With no sleep.
7. Towards the end. Kasey, Kandus, and Heather came buy to purchase goods.
8. On the way out to the car to help Kasey measure the doses, I fell in the ditch. No damage done.
9. Going back into the house, the same ditch presented a problem. This time I was not so lucky. Head was hit on tire rim. Didn't notice it was bad. DXM had numbed me out.
10. Kasey came inside to clean me the grass/dirt off of me. Upon cleaning, noticed massive amounts of blood coming from my head.
11. Friendly paramedic cleaned my wound. Told me to hold a cold compress on it and everything would be hunky dory.
12. Kasey and friends left to return home.
13. Kasey returns to find me semi conscious in the recliner, no pressure being applied. Blood pouring out in more amount now than earlier. Extreme loss of color in my face.
14. Hospital, ahoy!
15. Told doctor I had been drinking and had fallen. Story succesful.
16. Small patch shaved in my head. Six staples applied to wound. Again, didn't feel a thing.
17. Staples stayed in for a week or so. I wasn't paying a doctor to remove them. Kasey yanked them out for me. This hurt like a bitch.

Lesson learned: Always wear a helmet.

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