Aug 10, 2007 08:36
He did it again... I think I have cried more in the past day then I believe ever in my life.Happy crying not sad crying. Don't quote me on that but, oh just go look at his new poem... *sigh* Well as to what has been going on. I went to Dominican Republic. It was rather warm and pretty. Then I came back and found it was even warmer here. Then we had those lovely things called band practices. In that rather warm weather. We were supposed to have one yesterday but because the temperatures were extreamely warm and the air conditioning in the band room is now broken we didn't have practice. I can't begin to tell you how happy I was about that. Oh and Angela, your stories are beggining to worry me. Honestly people trying to off themselves in the past few stories? Drama much? No matter just don't try to kill the human counterparts will you? Oh. I will be updating my poems sometime today so if your interested about what crazy pretty things I have been comming up with. Here's your chance.