May 05, 2003 09:04
- b a s i c s .
1x sex: F
2x birthday: 10/15
3x sign:libra
4x siblings:1, a brother <3
5x hair color: really blonde! with a black stripe in my bangs.
6x eye color: green
7x shoe size/height: 9. 5'6
8x who are your best friends?: zach, my mom, ben, rebecca, and meghan, and drew.
- f a s h i o n . s t u f f .
1x where is your favorite place to shop?: online?
2x any tattoos or piercings?: yeah. my marilyn, my lip. 10 tattoos...i'm not going to list them.
- e x t r a . s t u f f.
1x do you do drugs: no
2x what kind of shampoo do you use: sheer blonde 2 days a week and suave paul mitchell rip of the other 5.
3x what are you most scared of: nuclear war.
4x what are you listening to right now: an annoying ass drill.
5x what vehicle do you wish to have?: a 69 chevelle!!! oh my gosh! black. lifted in the back with flowmasters. and hott pink flames. ow!!!
6x who is the last person that called you: tony
7x where do you want to get married: in a pretty little church. probaly right here in ratt city!!
8x how many messenger buddies do you have on right now: 2. billy and zach.
9x if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: i would be less paranoid. but somebody has to be.
- f a v o r i t e s.
1x color: hot pink
2x food: sesame chicken
3x boy names: thrash
4x girl names: harley or jasmine.
5x subject in school: science
6x sport: futbol. oi oi. ahaha
-h a v e . y o u . e v e r . . .
1x given anyone a bath: yeah. really drunk friends who had puked on themselves.
2x smoked: yeah
3x bungee jumped: nope
4x broken the law: like it's my job!
5x made yourself throw-up: yeah, when i was sick. it'll make you feel better.
6x went skinny dipping?: yeah, when i was like 13. good times
7x been in love: yep.
8x made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: haha. yeah, a few times. to get other people out of trouble too.
- w h a t . c o m e s . t o . m i n d . . .
1x red: dress
2x cow: mad
3x socks: fuzzy
4x greenland: grass
- b o d y .
1x what do you most like about your body?: my hips and my ass!
2x and least?: probaly my feet. always having problems with my feet.
3x how many fillings do you have?: like 2 or 3?
4x do you think you're good looking?: yeah, i think i'm pretty hot
5x do other people often tell you that more information than i want to hear: i don't get that question. that makes no sense.
6x do you look like any celebrities?: like 2 people have told me debbie harry and i almost peed on myself i was so happy! i get gwen stefani a lot. don't laugh.
- f r i e n d s .
1x do your friends 'know' you?: 'yes'
2x what do they tend to be like?: funny ass kids with dumb hair who like pirates
3x are there traits in you that are universally liked?: i don't get that one either.
4x how many people do you tell everything to?: EVERYthing? nobody. but really close to everything is my mom and zach.
- m u s i c , t v , f i l m & b o o k s .
1x favorite band ever?: cocksparrer
2x most listened to bands: cocksparrer, lunachicks, poison, crue, lower class brats.
3x do you find any musicians good-looking?: axl rose! (in the 80's, not now). the singer from the brats is pretty hot too.
4x can you play an instrument?: KINDA guitar. KINDA piano.
5x type of music listen to?: i just listed a bunch of bands.
- g e n e r a l . q u e s t i o n s .:
1x who is the smartest man alive at the moment?: i have no idea.
2x what do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day?: sunny.
3x do you consider yourself lucky?: YES. very very.
4x do you feel pity for people who commit suicide?: it's a sad thing.
5x choose one word to describe how you feel most often: nervous
- f i n a l . q u e s t i o n s .
1x do you like filling these out?: yeah, i'm adicted i think.
2x gold or silver: platinum hizzo!
3x what is the last film you saw at the movies: chicago
4x favorite cartoon character: brak from spaceghost
5x what do you have for breakfast in the morning: toast usually....with rotton dead buzzard JAM!!
6x who would you love being locked in a room with: madonna in the 80's, or cyndi lauper.