Dec 21, 2006 15:07
This house…is so cold. I’m a very warm-blooded person. The cold just destroys me, and cuts into my bones and joints. Sadly my mother keeps the house at 66 degrees. I had to fight to get it up to 69, and I’d still like it 4-5 degrees higher, but she’s already saying how hot it is. So instead I just sit here in sweatshirts and blankets.
(Green Lantern, as he looks at all the satellites orbiting earth)
“Earth. One of the galaxy’s crown jewels. But it’s a jewel not to be touched. No. Space travelers steer clear of earth, for all its resources, all its beauty. It’s only sensible to avoid contact with a species that points weapons at its own territory.”
Gonna be a busy semester this spring, but it’ll be good. Lots to do, and I’ve been getting ready for it this week, because…well, I have nothing else to do here.
The measure of a man is not how he gets knocked down to the mat; it’s how he gets up.
Been going back and reading through some old comics, why? HEROES. Books like Rising Stars, and H-E-R-O, which both touch on main ideas that are littered through HEROES. I can’t wait till that show starts again…of course it starts again 2 days before Tartuffe opens, so I’ll definitely miss it due to rehearsal…yay for VCRs.
“Doctor, I’m tired of the sexual innuendo.”
“ your end-o.”