*Sound of a plane going down*

Nov 10, 2006 17:38

A break is almost here, and it will be much needed. We (the grad class here) could use a moment to just sit, and take a breath. I’ve been rehearsing Tartuffe now for…well, not long, and yesterday we were off book. And it went surprisingly well for first night off book. After words the director asked me if I was proud, because I should be, so that was nice. And it is very quick to be off book. This rehearsal schedule is weird though, because we rehears for 3 weeks, get almost 6 weeks off, then come back, rehears for 3 more weeks then open. Hence why we were off book after a dozen rehearsals. But that break is almost coming. I also need to be off book for Uncle Vanya today, which isn’t a lot…yet it is. Tuesday I’ve got 2 papers due. One should be fairly easy, the other, not so much, but it’s just a rough draft, so if I can get it done, then I’ll have time to make it better later. Everything just kinda happens at the same moment, and you can see it weighing down on everyone. We’re all stretched pretty thin (a few of the others had their show open last night), and then there are those that are prepping to give finals to the classes they teach, not to mention auditions for next semester that happen tomorrow (Thankfully I don’t have to take part in that.). Everyone’s getting sickly and run down from not enough sleep, and the season changing. But, as one of the George said (One of the acting professors) if we didn’t look frazzled and a little weighed down at the end of the semester, we hadn’t done something right during the semester.
Next semester is going to be much different for me. Tartuffe ends the first week of February, and then all I’ll need to worry about is classes. I’m taking directing for Cinema, and will be making a film in that class, so that’ll give me a lot of time to put towards that. Also I’ll need to prepare my final presentation for the semester (3 monologues, and a 5 minute explanation on how I prepped each one, followed by 15 minutes of the faculty asking me about it, and me “defending” what I’ve done), and taking voice lessons. So I’ll still be busy, just a different type of busy.
There isn’t much time here for anything but school. I’ve not been going to the gym daily like I was over the summer, and I definitely feel the effects. Once we break from Tartuffe (a week from sat) I’m going to get back into it, and then I can run when I’m at home for Christmas break.
Speaking of, I’ve got so many people I need to visit over break, especially in TH, I’m not sure how to pull it off. Maybe I’ll just drive right there, and stay for a few days before I go to Warsaw, and just set certain days for certain people, that way I make sure I see everyone. A night with Sharon and SMWC people, a night with ISU people, and a night for people in neither of those camps...that may be the best way to do it.
I usually write in a particular format in here. All the different thoughts divided into easy to read sections, but my mind is so much mush right now, it’s all just one free flow thought, so I’m going with it…or was, until now.
The more you try to tell yourself “No, this will work, it makes too much sense NOT to work” the more the fates conspire against you. The logical thing, the thing that anyone looking at it from the outside would go “of course that’s how it should end up” almost never happens. And you can’t make it, no matter how hard you want it to.
The newest Spider-man 3 trailer (just came online last night)…not nearly as good as the one that came out a few months ago.
I’m sure I’ve got more…but I’ve just not got it in me to dredge it up right now.
Let me know you’re out there.
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