Title: How Rin Became A Mate
Author: StoriedFabric
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9017137/3/How-Rin-Became-A-Mate Genre: Romance
Status: Incomplete
Characters: Sesshomaru x Rin
Rating: K
Summary: Rin is turning her back on Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru, in a moment of desperation, snatches her away and flees to his Palace. There, he shows her the life he had planned for her, hoping she will accept him.
Review: Fluff for sure, along with a few current plot-holes and some okay-yet-get-a-beta grammar. There are only 4 chapters (which are quite short… >.>). It’s about Sesshomaru and Rin and how they come to be without mind-blowing sex scenes and rabbit-fucking. It’s in first-person but it switches points of view *shudder*. Chapter 1 is from Sesshomaru’s POV, but 2 - 4 are from Rin’s POV. Everyone is OOC, it progresses too quickly for my taste, and I find disturbing the fact that everyone in there just expects Rin to bow to Sesshomaru and be this perfectly willing little mate although she isn’t their of her own free-will. The first-person doesn’t suit the story and the way it’s told, although a good idea, isn’t done well. I recommend skipping this one unless you’re a) a sexist pig, b) running out of things to read, or c) like stuff like this. It’s not too bad but I can lists hundreds of things better.