Jul 18, 2006 12:39
Name: Rachel
Penname: HoushaseiMaffin (I'm pretty sure it means Radioactive Muffin in Japanese)
Age: 14
Location: U.S.
I first saw CCS... Earlier this summer. My friend brought the second movie over to my house a few months ago, and I really liked it then. So about a month back, I got extremely bored and searched for it on YouTube. Well after I saw the first episode I was addicted, and my sister and I finished the whole series in about 3 weeks!
My favorite CCS character is... That's hard, I like them all alot. But probably Yue first, cause he's so awesome. The minute I saw him I became obsessed with him. Then right after that Eriol, because he's powerful yet kind at the same time. I hate to say I hated Eriol at first, but after I got used to him I decided he was extremely awesome and I loved him, still do actually.
I got into reading/writing CCS fanfics because of... Originally because of Yue. I wanted to read more about him, because like I said I'm obsessed. I was planning on writing a Yue fanficton of some sort, but then I came across one with Eriol/Tomoyo, and I fell in love with that pairing. So instead of writing about Yue, I wrote about them, and I want to write more about them, because I think they're awesome together.