Quick Fly-by:
Adam is on the cover of The Advocate this month with a really sweet little piece:
http://news.advocate.com/post/11571958893/reinventing-adam-lambertSadly, someone went a little overboard with the photoshop on the cover, making him look like a Twilight reject, but there's a couple FINE pics too.
Look, I know he's not everyone's cuppa, but seriously, how can peeps say he's not good looking?
Still jonesing for him to hurry the fuck up and release a single, hopefully in the next couple weeks.
Speaking of Twilight, I read that Robert Pattinson is being looked at for the lead in the American Idiot movie. Sorry Billie Joe, DNW.
Saw Foster the People twice last week at the Fillmore, once from the front row and once from the back row. I've seen them on TV 3 or 4 times, and live 3 times, and it's like night and day. After the SNL performance one wag on Twitter said they looked like the High School AV club formed a band, and he was right. But live, Mark Foster loses the deer-in-the-headlight look that he has on tv, and the show was so freaking much fun! When I was in the front row I was next to this couple that must have been 21 or 22, and they were so impressed that an old lady like me was still rocking out! It was sort of cute, he was like "wow, I'm going to remember how awesome you are when I'm your age!" LOL Anyway, love FtP a lot live. I can see me for a second when Mark climbs up on the speaker at the end of the song.
Click to view
I started the Fitness Boot camp last week, and as anticipated, IT IS KICKING MY ASS. I'm definitely the slowest and fattest in the group, but it's been motivating rather than demoralizing, thank Ra. Push ups, sit ups, lunges, running, sprints, you name it. It's a lot more fun doing it in various locations in Golden Gate Park, than in a gym. I fully expect the pain to be worth it. After all, what does not kill me makes me stronger. Uh, right?
Last but not least, I am jumping up and down with excitement that the lovely
and_ed will be arriving tomorrow afternoon for 5 days filled with music (The Foo Fighters!), food (courtesy of Barb!), and wine ('nuff said!) We'll also do the tourist thing and hit the GG Bridge, Fisherman's Wharf, and Amoeba Records. BTW, if any of you watch Supernatural or Hawaii 5-0, you should head over to Barb's LJ at
http://and-ed.livejournal.com and read her hilarious and insightful recaps of the episodes. I don't even watch the shows and I enjoy reading them!
Till next time...