Sucking at this everyday posting thing again. :-) But in my defense, I've worked like 18 of the last 20 days, or something ridiculous like that!
Of course, one way to cheat is to use my f-list's content. :-) One of my flisties,
heros_and_cons saw Green Day in Connecticuit and made an epic post of epic about it in her LJ with pics and vids! Go enjoy! Nice LJ name, huh!?
thelackey's Sexy Island Meme is still going on...check it out! (BTW, When
heros_and_cons did hers, Adam Lambert won. Just so you know!)
Speaking of Adam (aw, c'mon, you know that was happening...) On his off day at Philly, he hit the bars and made some new "friends," and seemed to have made one "friend" in particular. To which all the fangirls screamed "GET IT BOY!"
Never have so many women been so thrilled about a guy banging someone who isn't them!
(The guy in the pink shirt is the "special friend.")
The funniest part of the whole thing was when Adam showing up pretty bleary eyed for a radio interview the next day...IN THE SAME CLOTHES, BUT MISSING AN EARRING.
Yes, Adam did the Walk of Shame! And even joked with the DJ about going out and getting frisky the night before.
I'm making a DVD from video shot by
mindchnger at the Erie, PA concert. If any of the Adam fans on my flist would like one (or even if you're not a fan and not on my flist!), let me know. :-)
Spending tomorrow in Golden Gate Park working medical services at the
Outside Lands Music Festival, then at the American Idols concert at night. Last year I had to buy a scalped ticket to the AI show, this year they're practically giving them away. What a difference a year makes.
Sunday night I'll be at the Rob Thomas show in Saratoga. I'll be thinking of you,