Has the world stopped spinning? Is the sky falling? Has Bush resigned? No, it's just an update from the ol' Rev! I know it's only been five moths since I updated, but I thought, what the hey, give the flock something to read, even if it ain't very interesting.
First thing's first....a warm welcome to my newest friend,
miss_watson. She's a special kinda girl. Go see for yourself.
Now then, on with the show.
I'm still working at the chicken factory. Yes, the mundanity continues for the ol' Rev, who, unlike the tenders of the flocks of certain other religious sects, actually has to *gasp* work fof a living!!!
The sex drought continues. Hasn't even been any cyber-sex, good bad or indifferent, in a couple of months. I'm down to my right hand and my imagination. Lucky for me, I have a good grip and a vivid imagination!
I am, however, hoping to end the sex drought kinda soon, with a taste of young man-meat. There's a certain good-looking young fellow that has recently joined our Pagan study group, and I've heard from a reliable source that he is, and I quote, "gay and looking". I haven't yet had the opportunity to talk much with him, but I do so hope to change that, next weekend (shoulda been this weekend, but we had to postpone...Thanks, Mother Nature!).
In other news, the Rev is getting financial love from the IRS, in the form of a $500+ refund! Most of that (if not all) will probably be used to pay off the old fines, so as to get my driver's license re-instated. Of course, in the meantime, I have to pay off the fines from the TWO TIMES I was pulled over in the past month...by stupid redneck Arkansas cops apparently with nothing better to do than harrass honest, hard-working blue-collar people doing nothing but heading home after a hard day's work.
THen there's my live-in lady friend's back surgery. She's been trying to get this done for months, and finally, it seems that the time is nigh....UNLESS, as it appears in a letter she got in the mail Friday, that she is no longer eligible to recieve her Medicaid coverage. But we know some people who know some people who know how to light legal fires under people, so we'll see. I sure hope it goes through, because she really needs the surgery. FOr the record, no, we are not legally married, and Arkansas does not recognise "common law" relationships.
Weell, I Reckon that about covers it. You kids take care of yourselfs, and be good to one another.e..and be naughty, too!
Da Rev