So I've posted a few friends-only posts about this earlier, but it's now my last day at work. Exciting stuff,
Chris even got me a moleskine as a going away gift. I can see why people fetishize them, I'm kind of afraid to write in it because I don't have anything elegant enough to say. I'm sure I can figure out some stuff from
the 43 Folders crowd.
I feel very privileged to have worked with the people I have. Kraig is easily one of the most likable people I've ever met and when I tell people about the office they think I'm crazy not to work for him (I do too, a bit. My reasons for leaving are personal). June was an amazing project manager and is a great person to work with, she's a bit of a kung fu master. Chris is a fantastic mix of technical and business smarts, which is why I pushed to get him in here after working with him at my last job.
David and
Stephen showed me how good graphic design can be.
So what's in store? I hope to do some contract work with my soon-to-be-ex employer, and I have another contract project that might be interesting. I'll check with my client to see if I can blog about it, but since it's geeky it'll probably wind up on
the Crud.
I'm also interested in full time employment in the not-too-distant future, but I want the flexibility of contracting right now. I have a bunch of open source projects that I've been meaning to kick off, a dotcom business or two that I might start, and a GameFly subscription to cancel before it completely kills my productivity. I'll try to post updates here where appropriate, although some might be friends-only (ping me if I don't have you on my friends list).