It sounds to me like you're dreaming about trying to tackle the obstacles in your life (the flight representing your life and your friends representing the obstacles). It seems hat you see the obstacles as friends because you're rather familiar with them, so they've been around for a while. Your blows not doing anything represents your own feelings about how well you're tackling them, obviously you don't think you're doing very well. You feel like they're mocking you.
If the dream is recurring, start looking for clues. Recurring dreams happen because your subsconscious is trying to tell you something, i.e. how to solve the problem that the dream is about. Look for something in the plane that might help you get rid of the obstacles.
Its possible, if it is your friends, or if the friends in the dream represent obstacles. Its obvious that you want them out of the way. The dream might be telling you how. Id look for the things in the dream that stand out.. maybe theres an emergency exit on the plane or something?
Not a flight... A fight. There's no plane. It always seems to be in the middle of the street or something. I don't pay a lot of attention to the things around me. I'm not usually any good at 'steering' my dreams. A lot of the time I'll panic and try and wake myself up.
Hows that?
I do feel like I'm not progressing very fast, and not getting anywhere slowly...
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