Animus App

Aug 28, 2011 10:27

Player Information

Name: Ana
Personal LJ: crown_of_guilt
Age: 21
Contact Info: anakhathesilver @ AIM, anakha @ plurk
Other Characters Played: N/A

Character Information

Character Name: Sora
Character Series: Kingdom Hearts
Character Age: 14
Character Gender: Male
Alternate Universe
Canon Point: Just after the destruction of Destiny Islands
Background Link: Link!
AU Background: Everything is the same up until the end of Birth by Sleeps and excluding Blank Points. That’s where the timeline takes a drastic split. Sora turned five, and everything was good. He had friends, family and a peaceful life. It was perfect, for all intents and purposes. But things took a turn for the worse one night after he returned home. For that day, a dark figure had been watching the children. Perhaps it was out of vague recollection of his own childhood home and his hatred thereof, but the Heartless King had selected the Islands as a place to abduct the subject for his experiment-a test to see how well he could crush the light of a child’s heart. If he could do that, after all, what would stop him from crushing all light and plunging all into everlasting darkness?

Sora was selected. The light in his heart was strong-unusually so for a child. But it mattered little. After selection, Ansem went to the boy’s house, quickly eliminating loose ends in the form of his parents. Couldn’t have them interfering if Sora ever returned to the islands, after all. So, when the boy ran upstairs to get cleaned up for supper, he was snatched. He found himself dragged into a dark place that was cold. His heart quivered in fear and pain, and eventually he blacked out. When he awoke, he was in a ruinous castle, being watched over by a girl around his age: Kairi.

They spoke, and he realized he was in another world. Sora cried for a long time, and Kairi tried to comfort him. But it didn’t last. Soon enough, small, dark creatures came to escort the boy to the King. And said King quickly told the boy that he was fortunate: his parents had abandoned him, and had he not been rescued by the darkness, he would have been left to drift between worlds. Stubborn, as children are, Sora stated that his parents would come for him.

“We shall see,” was the only (amused) response.

Hours turned to days turned to weeks turned to months. No one came. In fact, even Kairi vanished from his life, and Sora was left alone with Ansem and the Heartless. He came to accept that his parents had, in fact, abandoned him. So Ansem became “Dad” and Sora began a spiral into darkness under his teaching. He watched as worlds crumbled, learned how to control Heartless, and all the while the light in his heart began to dim and twist into something unfamiliar.

As he grew, Sora changed. His skin paled from the lack of light, his eyes became hollow, and his heart became starved for the affection that had become unknown to him over the years. He was desensitized to the pleas of the people on worlds that were crumbling, saw nothing wrong with leading Heartless to destroy these worlds-it was how he was raised. The perfect pawn, unquestioning and willing to do what was asked of him.

It was exactly this that led to things going very wrong for him, and for all of the abandonment issues he’d had since youth to come to the surface. He was fourteen, and working on his own with the Heartless. On a whim, he traveled to his original home: Destiny Islands. He found no trace of his parents at his childhood home, and it was as if the house had been abandoned for years. So he went instead to the play island, and there he found Riku.

But something was wrong. When Sora approached, excited, wanting to take his best friend with him, Riku showed no recognition. Unknown to Sora, Riku had suffered trauma the morning after he had gone missing. Riku had, after all, discovered the mangled corpses of Sora’s parents-eliminated in case this day came. The trauma had blocked out all instances of Sora from his mind.

What little hope left in Sora’s heart was torn apart. In a fit of rage, wishing to erase everything that represented his pain over the years, he ordered the Heartless to tear the world apart. He left Riku to fight for his life, returning to survey the damage. Riku was alive, and had just defeated the Darkside. But Sora didn’t care, and left once more.

Riku was left to his fate.
Personality: There are many thing the same, and many things different, between this Sora and the canon one. Let’s start with what’s the same.

He’s still a ball of energy. This is something that has aided him, and was seen even when he was young, impatiently waiting on the dock in Birth by Sleep, instead of just standing still to wait. Which also means he’s a bit on the impatient side, too. He even called to Riku to hurry up and come over. He deals with grief by getting angry-evidenced best in canon by his reaction to Goofy’s supposed death, as well as the destruction of the islands. He doesn’t mope-he instead acts and seeks to quickly eliminate the cause of the grief.

Like the canon Sora, as well, he is loyal. However, the degree differs greatly. While canon Sora isn’t blindly loyal, AU!Sora is. This is due to his relative isolation growing up, as well as careful actions on Ansem’s part. Sora has had no reason to betray him, and with a story spun to put the Heartless King in a benevolent light, it was all too easy to earn the boy’s complete trust. This loyalty would carry over to other relationships, too, as all he remembers in life is this degree of loyalty. He also knows how it feels to be betrayed, and, being Sora, would never wish that on anyone.

Also like canon Sora, he is very dependent on bonds. Perhaps abnormally so. However, the lack of bands has severely affected him. Interaction with other humans isn’t something he’s good at, so he’s become very socially awkward over the years. His main interaction with people has been watching them from afar as they suffer, hardly a normal situation. And while he wants friends and to be a normal boy deep down, this is buried under layers of everything Ansem taught him.

Which brings us to differences.

Sora doesn’t understand affection. The most he’s gotten since he was five was the occasional headpat for a job well done. Hugging and kissing and shaking hands is entirely beyond him. It confuses him, and if any of this were shown toward him, he would likely freak out due to the foreign nature and not understanding it. Playing games is also very beyond him. He was raised a warrior, after all, and there was no one to play with.

He has severe abandonment issues. It is his greatest fear and, by far, the easiest thing to use to get him worked up. His memories of events involved with his kidnapping are fuzzy, and years of being with Ansem has warped what memories he does have into the lies he was fed. Memories of his parents now show them as cruel, just waiting for him to leave. This means he also has very low self-esteem.

Darkness is comforting as opposed to light, and he is far more knowledgeable in the matters of darkness than his canon counterpart. Light is viewed as disgusting and needing to be erased. He also sees much less wrong with people dying, and doesn’t have the optimistic view of being able to save everyone that his canon counterpart holds.
Abilities: Sora’s abilities are quite few, and reflect Riku’s in Kingdom Hearts I. That is, he is able to summon Heartless, control them, walk the corridors of darkness (in the dark suit, which is Riku’s in the canon timeline), summon Soul Eater, perform dark versions of spells, etc. This includes the enhanced senses. Namely, his sense of smell is enhanced.
Sample Entry: Here be a link to OPN stuff, and another, and I can provide more.

#application, @tower of animus

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