First of all,
blindteddy ♥♥♥ \^▽^/
Now I've got some explanation to do ;;
why am i late: this whole last week was a disaster. since i decided to spend every spare day back in the country with (mostly) mom (since dad's still working), i'e travelled back and forth a couple of times and this silly me forgot all about her notebook's battery. so i was with no internet, much less even a functioning computer so i could do some osm stuff for you birthday. yet, this was no excuse, i could have pretty much organized everything before hand but... well, my procrastination got the best of me /sniffs
...and since i forgot my microphone too, i'm unable to record anything to you right now. plus, i'm kinda sick, so my voice sucks /sobs but as soon as i get the chance, i shall send you my own voice message to you :333
another thing /SOBBING i guess you'll receive my letter much much later, since i was expecting dad would let me use his credit card and... well, it didn't end up well. so i was late to write to you and.... you won't believe it. i was in the country when i wrote you two post cards. sweet. then as i got stuck in the back, mom took them to the post office. guess what they did? they sent the postcards here to São Paulo KHFJDLKSEDMNVGIEUH THE LITTLE BASTARDS. don't even know the little difference between FROM and TO anymore KJDFNDSGIAHFNKSF /shakes fists in rage /SOBS so yeah, i wrote another letter and i'll be posting it tomorrow ;___________________; gladly they won't send it back to me for God's sake.
i swear the whole universe is conspiring against us my love ;AAAAAAAAA; my intentions were of getting you something romantic and write you osm fanfics since i haven't been able to do so in a while so it would be extra special and.... it all ended up into this mess ;______________; /FAILS AT LIFE
i'm so so so so very sorry ;___________________; at least i could give you that lil 'happy birthday' today thru my cellphone but it still hurt me to kow i couldn't do anything else to you ;33333; i do hope you had a great day today, and that you still consider meeting me someday, despite my huge flaws ;______________;|||
ilu Jun ;3; ♥ i loved your hoodie, i shall record a as soon as i don't look like a car had just run over me anymore ^^;;;
so your gifts will be a little late, but i still hope you like them ;;
btw, if i get to use dad's credit card lol what would you like to get? be honest :3
love yoooou, the ㅎㅅㅎ to my ^▽^, my dearest mingo :DD ♥