Comme un oiseau sans ailes je vole par le ciel mais je sais que la vie est belle...

Oct 27, 2005 22:38

i haven't really posted anything because i don't know what to say. so much has happened and so much is hanging in the air. sometimes i wonder if my life is really my own. i hate feeling helpless or goaded into a situation and yet i am constantly feeling that pressure. that pull to be this or that. to do this or do that. and then there are my own flaws that i allow to put me in situations that are harmful or that i know will hold me back. and my life of late seems to be a constant mix of all of these things. if i knew how to ask for help or support i think i'd do it, but we all know that i'm terrible with that.

i was told to take these next two days and focus on myself. my life. what it is that i really want so that the decisions i make will truly be my own.

i'm tired of the pain, my own and others. if i could fix everything i would. as it is i feel i have the choice of either being a selfish bastard or giving up on that which might have been my own.

why is nothing in my life ever easy?
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